Depends if the freezer is full or not. Straight after the roar its likely to be pregnant, then its going to have its fawn feeding from it, then it be pregnant again not long after. Dont really see the problem, if you want some venison and are short im happy to shoot whatever. Apart from when a hind has a fawn to young to fend for itself i wont shoot a hind. Its just cruel on the fawn to stave to death. Otherwise whats the difference between shooting a hind a week pregnant or about to get pregnant, or about to drop, fu k all. If you going to control numbers to a certain degree thats just a fact of life. Normally they in good condiation , fat as and are darn fine eating. In saying all this if i had a choice i leave the pregnant hind and shoot the young stag etc but if thats all around and i need some venison its coming home