Where to start................ everyone is different, but basically there are all inclusive "packages" which include everything from airport to airport (Trophy fee, accom food, guiding etc). or a daily rate plus trophy fee when sucessful. All guides should be able to cape your trophy in the field and get it to a taxidermist for mounting or expiditing.
Generally, wounded and lost, you will still have to pay the trophy fee on private land. On the public you will probably just keep hunting. A professional guide shou;d be able to tell you pretty close to the actual size on the hoof, if there is a problem it is normally that you shoot one that is a bit bigger than you agreed on, but you should NOT have to pay any extra for the bigger size. But this mostly happens overseas, (Spain and South America for example).
Being a member of the NZPHGA means little, (even tho I am a member). There are also good guides who are not members. Bottom line, get some recent references from guys who might not have got all the animals they came for and ask them for opinions. Best advice that I give to clients when they ask for it: Work out as soon as you can whether or not you can trust your guide or not. PM me if it is an overseas operation, I know alot of them around the world.
Good Luck!