WRITTEN CONTRACT end of story, if they cant produce one. dont go!
Even getting references can be dodgy in this day and age, you may in fact be emailing the guide, and he will say wonderfull stuff about himself, show videos and the like and its all done with a hand shake and cheesey smile once they have your money the deals change and change and change, Difference between a bullshitter and a liar... how good their memory is!
Never pre pay for trophies.
You owe it to yourself to contact a reputable taxidermist to get an understanding of how the capes and skulls etc SHOULD BE PREPARED for export,if you are bringing it in yourself have a firm understanding of the caping process,washing, fleshing,turning ears, lips, salting(never iodised and 1kg salt per 1 kg skin), drying,boiling skulls, packing (not in plastic bags!!) other wise the results can be disastrous!! TO THE POINT THAT MAF/BIO SECURITY WILL DESTROY YOUR TROPHYS IF NOT CORRECTLY PREPARED.
Shooting and missing, hmm a hard one and at the disression of the guide I suppose,if I was a guide and someone took 20 shots at 20 different animals and missed, yeah Id want to be paid, maybe not the full amount but, I had done my job, however as the guide changeing tact for your customer maybe a more better approach. missed a couple times, politly give the customer shit about their piss poor shooting!! and try and close the gap, However Im still collecting day rate, a very awarkward situation,but if its contractual and both parties agreed cut and dry.
Underestimation of trophy, written contract springs up again! I would expect an reptuable guide/outfitter should have a detailed contract to cover any event.
oh yeah one last thing IF IT SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT USALLY IS!!!
sadly somethings in life we learn from experience