I can see goats everywhere in winter.
In summer they hide from me.
Where do my sneaky goats go in summer?
Any info or advice would be sweet 😎
I can see goats everywhere in winter.
In summer they hide from me.
Where do my sneaky goats go in summer?
Any info or advice would be sweet 😎
Cliff faces and forestry
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Just like deer it can be too hot for them. Most my hunting spots are doc land with decent walks. Occasionally see them on the tracks. Or put feeding in the middle the day. But usually from about 5 onwards they start getting more active and coming out.
where would YOU GO.....you remember that cold shitty gulley you went through in winter??? the one with water flowing through it and thought what a cold hole???
well when its 28 degrees elsewhere THAT PLACE is really really inviting.
75/15/10 black powder matters
they are there in same place just readjusted their timing to avoid hot part of day - heat of day they will lie up on a steep ridge or up on a bluff - getting shade and wind to keep cool - become more active towards evening - no they are still there just adjust your hunting accordingly - goats dont generally move far from their preferred area
Bush hunting? Sunrise they’ll be feeding on morning side of ridges, generally not too high up. Oftentimes you will walk right past them, they generally stay quiet that time of day. If you think you’re moving slow move slower, eg. 400m/hr tops. As the day warms up they’ll move uphill to catch the breeze without being in strong wind. Billies won’t make much noise, nanny’s and kids call each other every hour or so. Late evening they all move down for a feed on any easy lower feed and to water. Open country they generally behave the same but way easier to hunt. Least ways that’s how they behave around here.
By the carpark. See my magazine article
Identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss (right?) and I'll be missed.