Mr300WSM Especially when you plan to go hunting but have to call it off. But the person you've taken there a few times goes there hunting anyway. They go out and get their Landrover stuck on the track, go back to the farm and borrow the tractor without asking, try to pull the Landy out and roll the tractor down the hill and into the river..... And I get an irate farmer ringing me that night asking why I said they were allowed to go out......
Or; another doozy..... You bring an acquaintance out for a hunt. He asks if his mate can come too. "Sure" I say. Coming back we stop the wagon and talk to the farmer who is helluva frosty with me compared to usual. I just think that he must've had a barney with the missus or a bad case of man-opause and think nothing of it. I get home and about an hour later get a ring from the farmer absolutely losing his nut with me..... Turn's out the "mate" and a few of his mates had been out there the week earlier rounding up all the cockies wild goats..... That was in the days when a white feral nanny was fetching $600-ish dollars.
I pleaded not guilty to him; because I didn't know anything about it. I apologised profusely and thankfully he calmed down and realised that I was as f***ed off as him. And also thankfully; didn't ban me from the property. I rang my mate up and blew my stack. Turns out he didn't know anything about it either! His "friend" had f***ed us both over.....
I go hunting on a good deer property with a mate. Have done for many years. I know I could get onto the property for a hunt by myself, and my mate has actually told me to. I haven't because even though both parties are fine; it would still feel like asking your mate's missus out on a date! Maybe I'm too old fashioned!