"you belong somewhere you feel free"-Tom Petty
Yip pigs don't muck around, seen teeth marks in steel caps by a farmed big sow , blokes ripped , bitten and chased by angry pigs! They are fighting for their lives and are very very tough animals, but then I've also seen my brother bitten by a "dead" possom!
It ain't dead until its hanging on the hook!
Nil durum volenti !!
Sent the article to a couple of pig hunters I know
Bet you ask around plenty of guys have being poked by antlers they have being carting out!
Nil durum volenti !!
Hunting is so dangerous, how is it still allowed?
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Boar with good tusks can do alot of damage. Back in the day we had a number of dogs killed - ripped when approaching from front rather than sides for ear holds when bailing. Also saw wild boar turn and actually chase pigdogs in thick northern bush. Very scary when you're about 8, and you're only 10 meters away..
Old man got one particularly notorious boar in the South Waikato bush back in the 60s. It was very well known in the district - the Blackberry Gully boar - and over a number of years it had killed 17 dogs belonging to lots of hunters. Old man finally got to him when the dogs bailed him in a deep boghole, and nailed him with his jungle carbine. It was a big crossbred brindle boar and weighed 320lbs. 3" tusks. Little wonder he was too good for dogs - just too big. News of his demise was written up in Waikato paper of the day and mounted head still on my brother's wallTrue story..
Funniest thing I've ever seen was my cousin being given a good bloody shaking when a big old titty sour grabbed him by the red band when one of the dogs let go, we were too busy rolling on the ground laughing to help him out. Or nearly jumping into each others arms when the dogs chased a nice boar straight down the forestry road as we're all standing right in the middle. Bloody scary feeling when all you can hear is blowing coming in your general direction and the ribbing to follow for all the girlish screams. Bloody funny times!!
The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017
The big boar turning and chasing the pigdogs mentioned above was a tale in itself. Again way in the backblocks in south Waikato bush and the dogs had been on this boar for maybe an hour. They'd bail him but he'd keep breaking. Eventually they seemed to stop him up on top of a flat looking hill. We climbed up the side - found a hell of a racket and very thick bush with supplejack etc. Dogs bailing like hell maybe 30m away, then boar breaks again straight towards us!! Old man shoves me up a short tree for safety as pig and dogs come racing towards us. As they get to us the dogs and boar vary left by a couple of meters - and the tree fell down !!!!!! Absolutely terrified ... 8 year old on the ground with a bloody boar meters away. Dogs then reversed and bailed him again against a rock about 10 meters away, and old man finally gets through and drops him with the old carbine.Will never forget that one...
On another occasion when I wasn't there, old man and his mate were on horseback on a bush track when dogs got onto a boar. Boar broke, came straight down onto the track and went for the horse - had a real go at it!! They didn't get that one.....
True stories..
Last edited by mudgripz; 27-04-2020 at 09:22 PM.
Pig hunting With dogs was just such fun in my younger days, my mate who is 67 still lives and breaths it. Yup been chased, had dogs ripped and killed , have looked for the odd tree at times as well. The pig hunter who says I don’t use a gun obviously hasn’t hunted enough or has way to many dogs. A pig that is being held is a lot safer than a pig bailed I can guarantee you that fact. Now days I shoot them, I still have a dog but she indicates, mind you she has stopped them before, but 1 dog is a recipe for disaster for all concerned.
"ars longa, vita brevis"
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"Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."
I bet they never do a story about every wannabe action man and woman who arse off their mountain bike and end up in A&E..........![]()