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Without a doubt wold pork can taste quite different from different areas. From someone thats eaten wild pork for over 30 years i have noticed wild pork
does taste much better now than years gone by. Murchison pigs have always been the best, more fat, weight more in size compared to other areas and taste brilliant.
Pigs down the sounds used to taste crap, skinny and not great eating. Now, with many areas having escapees from farms, released pigs from other hunters etc the pigs
are just better all round in most areas.
Shot pigs are better than dogged pigs in taste as well. Sows taste a little better but had many a good boar thats been pretty darn good.
Have met a couple of people from the North island that swear after tasting south island pigs they a heap better.
My GF comes from up North, she wouldnt eat wild pork because she thought it was crap.
When she tried some of the ones ive shot she loves it, generally around here the wild pig is getting tamer and tamer in taste as the years go on.
Prob by so many farm pigs breeding with wild ones as years ago hunters releaseing pigs into the bush was going on everywhere and still happens today, esp on private blocks.