I had block 2 last year - mainly sat on the cliffs (when you see them they are obvious) - which overlook a lot of block 2 and out to block 1
Going south from the car park - along the boarder with block 2 - there are cut over pines on block 1 next to grown trees (this was last year anyway)
I saw a lot of deer in this area - a lot of toe toe and further on young pines - the valley runs north/south and is inside block 2 - so it comes down from block 1 as well
Anyway about half way down on the boundary road, is a road running west - its from this area that I saw 3 stags coming out of the young pines - which is block 2 but I'm sure that they move around a bit
Google Earth shows the area, its 2011 images, but still will give a idea