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Thread: Woodhill Ballot Results

  1. #31
    Member Louie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Cool Block 3

    I was lucky enough to score a spot first try, so i'm sure a believer in the system. I've got block 3 for early june, anyone got any advice?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    @Allgood, seems a bit rich to say something like "thank you for your service", but thank you all the same.
    Low box likes this.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Louie View Post
    I was lucky enough to score a spot first try, so i'm sure a believer in the system. I've got block 3 for early june, anyone got any advice?
    I had block 3 late August last year, good block, fairly open bush, take water with you, my brother in law and I went in we saw 17 deer between us, no bucks or spikers seen. We took one doe a third of the way into the block towards the beach, just on the edge of the pines, there's a high point there good vantage point for glassing. Mob of 4 where we shot the doe, the rest of the deer were seen in the pines. Here's a map of the block if you haven't got one yet. Feel free to ask for more info if needed.
    Cheers Bevan
    Name:  20190528_185930.jpg
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  4. #34
    Member Louie's Avatar
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    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by ocean-hunter View Post
    I had block 3 late August last year, good block, fairly open bush, take water with you, my brother in law and I went in we saw 17 deer between us, no bucks or spikers seen. We took one doe a third of the way into the block towards the beach, just on the edge of the pines, there's a high point there good vantage point for glassing. Mob of 4 where we shot the doe, the rest of the deer were seen in the pines. Here's a map of the block if you haven't got one yet. Feel free to ask for more info if needed.
    Cheers Bevan
    Attachment 112284
    Cheers mate i'll be sure to get that high point, being early in the ballot season i'm hoping to get a buck so i'll take my time getting around and glassing. At the very least i'll be seeing how close i can sneak up to one of those does for a good photo!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by johnd View Post
    @Allgood, seems a bit rich to say something like "thank you for your service", but thank you all the same.
    Thanks. I will still be around to help the current committee and at this stage will remain on the Council.

    For those who want info on their blocks I will also help with that. When you get your maps etc send me a PM/post up and I will do my best to point out some likely spots based on past years.......
    Low box and johnd like this.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Stewart Island Rakiura
    My partner and I where up in Aucks last year and having a wee bit of time on our hands we went for a drive through parts of the forest. Very popular place with motor bikes blasting round, mountain bikers ,4 wheel drivers and others.
    Saw a nice buck which just stood there until we reversed back for a photo. Then towards the coast a doe ran across the road followed by its yearling.
    Investigated another area and footprints everywhere up and down the banks.
    Neat place.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Te Awamutu Rural
    Quote Originally Posted by Allgood View Post
    I agree, perceptions do matter..............
    How is this for perception.
    I have been a member of the Woodhill committee for well over 14 years.
    I have given up at least 6 weekends each year to assist run the ballot, patrol, put out and pick up signs and numerous weeknights to attend meetings ballot draws and deal with situations that have arisen as a result of carrying out patrols. As I normally work weekends I have also suffered a considerable loss of both income and social opportunities.
    I have averaged between 350-450 kilometres per day on patrol and normally use a full tank of gas. Patrol days start at 4am and dont finish until the last hunter leaves.......and on at least 4 patrols I have had to remain till well after midnight or the following day to find lost hunters.....( how the hell can you get lost in Woodhill??)
    I have had to pay for my own repairs and punctures which, over this period has amounted to 1000's of dollars.
    I have had some free hunts...........and all the meat has been given to the Take a kid hunting day so we could provide the young hunters with a 'taste of Woodhill'.
    I have entered the ballot for the last 14 years and been successful on 2 draws and have been lucky enough to be included as a companion on 2 other hunts.
    I have been congratulated, thanked, sworn at, assaulted and had my vehicle damaged by disgruntled hunters and illegal forest users including poachers.
    By the same token I have met a lot of good blokes and blokesses, some of them have become good friends. I have also got tremendous satisfaction from watching and helping hunters enjoy the resource, especially young new hunters through the TAKH.
    The only remuneration I have received is a petrol allowance of up to $70 per patrol day which only covers half my petrol. No recompense for attending meetings with other forest users, owners etc.

    I have been privileged to work alongside other volunteers who shared the same passions as myself.

    However I have now resigned from the committee as after 14 years I feel I have done enough to put something back into the sport I chose many years ago.

    I dont expect a pat on the back or compliments by posting the above, I simply posted up to give you an idea of what its like being a volunteer............

    What does piss me off is the 'perception' from those who believe the ballot is rigged.......And I have always extended an invitation to those who trot out that phrase, to come along to the ballot draw night and see for yourself. Some have taken up the invitation and some havent...Those that have are normally silenced.........as their perception has been altered. Those that havent, .........well, enough said.
    And that statement matches volunteering across the board...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    BRADS, erniec and WallyR like this.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Unsure what period I am in but any tips for block 6?

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Helensville, Auckland
    My mate got drawn and has paid for the block should he have received some reply by now?

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    @muka88 He should definitely chase it up by now.

  11. #41
    Member Louie's Avatar
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    Apr 2019
    @mukka88 i'm in the same boat, let me know how you get on.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Allgood View Post
    Block 4 can be hard hunting. It is a mix of 10yr old short pines and some areas of mature pines. There are no 'open' areas like cut overs to hunt.

    Block 4 is bounded by Ototoa Rd on its eastern boundary. While you are not allowed to shoot on the road, you are allowed to walk south on the rh verge of Ototoa rd and shoot into your block. For the first 2-3 kilometres as you walk south on Ototoa rd the area to your right is mature pines with good visibility. You will find that deer will move off the farmland to the east and enter block 4 by crossing the road. A slow walk at first light south from the carpark can be productive especially if you see deer crossing into your block. You can then stalk them from just inside the block and should get a shot. 2-3 k south on Ototoa rd there is a clay pan on the left hand side outside your block. Immediately opposite this clay pan is a steep titree/native bush gully that runs west into block 4. Find yourself a vantage point overlooking this gully and sit and be patient. Something will come along if you are patient enough. The rest of the block is able to be stalked with vis being between 10 to 50yds. Stalk it slow into the wind stopping frequently to observe. Go back to where you saw fresh tracks/deer in the afternoon and sit and wait for something to show.

    Above all, make sure you positively id the deer. If you have a buck permit make sure you can see at least 3 'points on its head gear before you shoot. If you have a doe permit, you must check to see if it has a pizzel as some of the spikers dont show bumps or spikes and the only way to tell the difference is by its pizzel or lack of. ( A number of hunters on block 4 have been banned in past years cos they didnt ID the deer properly and simply shot at an animal)

    Good luck.

    Just had our hunt last Sunday. Followed your advice, and it certainly worked for us. Cruised down the road on first light heading for that native gut you mentioned ,
    we then spotted a doe, followed by a spiker crossing into the block. Wind was all over the show and unfortunately those two got wind of us. Spent probably half the day in the vicinity of that gut moving slow then sitting. My two companions and I parted ways momentarily to get around some thicker stuff at the very end of the gut when I bumped a reasonably good buck bedded in the shorter pines. I had the doe permit though so he was free to go. Ended up following the wind where we could and sort of following the boundary between the short pines and the bigger pines where we could after that.

    We got onto one more doe which I could have shot but she wasn't moving in the right way to get a good ID on her and by the time I fully ID'd her as a doe she had fed her way into another patch of thick stuff. Quite tough to ID the animals at times and it was neat to watch them do their thing.
    Finished the day with a walk around the south eastern ish boundary of the block and saw a couple more yearling bucks.

    All in all a great day out and some quite nice bush hunting.

    Thanks for the tips!

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Anyone hunted on block 8 recently? Any tips or advise would be appreciated.



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