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  1. #1
    Walking my rifle
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Woodhill Block 1

    Good day guys

    We managed to get Block 1 this year, has anyone on here hunted it before? How are the buck numbers? And how are the Pig numbers?
    Has anyone got some pointers on hunting this block? Will only be 2 of us, walk together, split up?


  2. #2
    LOC is offline
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    Jun 2015
    got two bucks on this block last year on the final weekend. there is a large felled area with young pines so get a good position on top of a dune and do some glassing at first light. what date did you draw? feed could be scarce on the open country if early season. quite a lot of young grass around when we were there late season.
    there are loads of sand maggots buzzing around on the dunes all day on the beach edge of the block. arrogant pricks, a big group on brash racing quad bikes buzzed past me within 10m as I was stalking the edge of the block with no care for the fact i had a firearm or that they shouldn't even be there... quite unpleasant with them buzzing around 9am-4pm and would imagine the deer would also find it unpleasant so reckon that side of the block is a waste of time except for first and last light.

    Quote Originally Posted by NewbieZAR View Post
    Good day guys

    We managed to get Block 1 this year, has anyone on here hunted it before? How are the buck numbers? And how are the Pig numbers?
    Has anyone got some pointers on hunting this block? Will only be 2 of us, walk together, split up?


  3. #3
    LOC is offline
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    by the way i've drawn the same block again this year which is pretty handy for getting to know it...

    Quote Originally Posted by LOC View Post
    got two bucks on this block last year on the final weekend. there is a large felled area with young pines so get a good position on top of a dune and do some glassing at first light. what date did you draw? feed could be scarce on the open country if early season. quite a lot of young grass around when we were there late season.
    there are loads of sand maggots buzzing around on the dunes all day on the beach edge of the block. arrogant pricks, a big group on brash racing quad bikes buzzed past me within 10m as I was stalking the edge of the block with no care for the fact i had a firearm or that they shouldn't even be there... quite unpleasant with them buzzing around 9am-4pm and would imagine the deer would also find it unpleasant so reckon that side of the block is a waste of time except for first and last light.

  4. #4
    Walking my rifle
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Sweet, we got june 18 mate.
    First time ever in woodhill

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Got the same block early September



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