This is what im going on about......Client Experiences - Hunting Trophy Red Stag in New Zealand - - Sunspots Safaris
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This is what im going on about......Client Experiences - Hunting Trophy Red Stag in New Zealand - - Sunspots Safaris
Righto, here's one that's fuck you lot.
In the last 24 hours I know of a 10,12 and a 14 pointer getting knocked over. Public land, yep, but landlocked almost by farms. Still fucking good of the local cockies to get the feed into them so much with their winter swedes etc. Well? Are they free range or not?
By the way, this is true story, along with a 9 pointer last week. And some rather large mobs...
Fuck it will only be those that take stags with sharp sticks that can claim trophy status.
A trophy head is in the eye of the other opinion matters.
All deer in the Kaimai-Mamaku Forest have been genetically mismanaged due to the accidental release several years ago of two Wapiti/Red X stags escaping from the works near the summit.
I buy 'free range' eggs from the cobber down the road. They've got a wee paddock they cruise round in. Could probably leave if they wanted to, but the feed and shelter are too good. Im yet to come across 'wild' chicken eggs. I think the term ' free range' has been used appropriately by barnes lady. Lets not confuse it with a wild deer. Pretty simple.
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Haha I was waiting for this one to come up:ORLY:
In terms of "paying" to hunt a block, Every so often I have to "spend" a couple of minutes of my time plus a peice of a4 paper and some printer ink to get my permit to hunt doc land, as little and insignificant as it may be, by "spending" these resources it gives me more rights to hunt doc land than some one who hasnt.
A number of times we've read about guys leaving a stag to let it mature to a better head or taking a scruby one to get it out of the gene pool. Not to mention if we see a good stag in velvet and leave it till it hardens?
I'm not gunna tell anyone they are right or wrong but I beleive that if an animal is not liberated or a result of selective breeding and is not held on any one property by a fence or man made structure suitable of containing said animal then it is free range. Lets face it ALL land in New Zealand is owned by some one be it a high country station or a doc block in one way or another you have to pay for the right to hunt it, it might be a 1c peice of paper, a box of piss, a leg of venison or $10,000.
Anyway thats my opinion, on another note welcome along Barnes Lady, I think we should all appreciate the fact that youve set a bar that hopefully a lot of your countrymen/women can come down here and challenge it:thumbsup:
All of this is a bit beyond me, I'm afraid.
I love guns, and hunting. I shoot for meat, and to destroy pests, and I'm not really into trophies, but I do understand that others do enjoy the challenge of hunting the big stags.
What I cant ever understand is paying to shoot a big stag thats bred for its trophy potential. Most of them are "free range" in as much as they are bred on a farm and released to be free range.
I know this happens in New Zealand - there's an entire industry built around breeding stags for the perfect form, perfect head, big Douglas score etc, and these stags are sold to hunting
I really cant understand how you can pay to hunt a trophy class animal and be proud enough of your efforts that you claim it as a world record. Regardless of whether @Barnes Lady paid for her trophy or whether it was a purely marketing expense for the guided hunting industry, its not hunting as I ( and I suspect many of you) know it and love it.
Each to their own, though, as @R93's tagline says .. "Do What ya want !! Ya will anyway !!! "
I'm in the process now of planning a whitetail hunt in Canada. I can hunt on a non resident tag. Cheaper, but buggered if I can find a free range hunting outfitter. Got some help from a forum member that's been there and done that free range so I am hoping for a good result.
Can't think of anything worse than shooting a deer from a heated tree stand that's feeding from an automatic feeder. Seems to be the norm over there tho.
If I can't get a free range hunt I won't be doing a whitetail over there.
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genetically fucked up Whitetail
Attachment 22745
That's just sad!
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The value of a true trophy is very subjective.
But personally I can't imagine a canned hunt trophy would be nearly as satisfying as a trophy gained from pitting yourself against- Doc and their 1080 drops, helicopters thrashing the alps, hours of research into historically good hunting areas, winning a ballot, getting enough time off work, NZ's knack of producing trip destroying weather, rough interislander crossings, walking for days, trying to hold your mountain radio antenna wire high enough to get reception in pouring rain, turning down average heads, etc etc...
I was so elated after getting my first Tahr trophy against these conditions that I couldn't sleep that night, I just kept replaying the hunt.
I ain't saying that a canned hunt can't be exciting for people. Just that everyone has a different threshold.
thats the whole fukin point of my comments on this thread, its just (in my humble opinion, i might be be wrong, but i know im fukin not) my honest view on this emotive subject.......i know fuck all mate, ive only hunted for just on one year, shot 2 deer and one was guided on a deer farm, im not trying to piss on anybodies parade or trophy stag wether they paid cash or sweat and blood........
Do any of these free range proponents duckshoot?
You better not say you feed the pond...
Wicked big stag. Totally natural I think perhaps not but I m not an expert in any way. Keep bringing your money over
and spending it here. I m sure there's more sent the other way by members of this forum alone
and thanks for promoting NZ as the PLACE to visit so your country men contribute to our economy as well.
I couldn't do that. I don't have a room big enough to put it in !! :thumbsup: :D
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Look what I did!!! I created one big banter!!! One thing I'll say is that I enjoyed getting into it with you guys. It was, if nothing else, super entertaining! Good thing I've got thick skin. Some of this would make most women cry their eyes out, or tear out yours! :pissed off:
No worries, mates. All good discussion and I especially thank all the welcomes from the group. You bet I'll be back to spend money in your wonderful country, but maybe y'all could do something about those horrible photos on your derm packets? (smokes, cigs, or whatever Kiwis call them) Holy shit! The US government would never get away with making the cigarette makers put that stuff on their packaging! WOW!
Cheers! BTW, my friends call me "Jess". :)
You'll want to ditch the darts anyway @Barnes Lady, for your upcoming Fiordland hunt with @Wirehunt you will need all the oxygen you can muster.
Hi Jess, you've dragged me back in darlin....just so you know, i have no personal vendetta against you personally, if we ever meet i reckon we would get on like a 'house on fire', were both hunters after all.....its just that i have this 'opinion' about the term
'Free Range' when it comes to the (quite frankly) magnificent Stag youve acquired....i just have a really hard time when the animal in question is shot on a Hunting Business property!
If you venture onto the thread started by Roberto from Austria, you will see in my (biased) eyes an overseas visitor who will leave our shores with an entirely different take on hunting, all (to my knowledge) done on 'free range DOC land' where every person
entering the land has an equal chance, depending on your experience and skill set.....that is what I get from hunting, the challenge, were the animal gets a fair chance to live another day...especially when im after them!!!!!!!!
i can tell from your responses so far that you are 'thick skinned' and can take a bit of stick, (hope that does not get lost in translation) please down load a DOC hunting permit on your next visit and pit your skills against the animals on this land it is very
rewarding and any/every animal you take will have a very special memory when you leave
Cheers, BTW, my friends call me "Eric" (or arsehole!) haharrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........go girl!!!!!
Welcome Barnes Lady, Im a big fan of the 130ttsx in 30 cal for short to medium range, has more than enough penetration for ANY animal we have on public land.
As for the whole free range thing my 2cents is there really should be some "managed" class to add to the free range sector of trophy's.
A. she said her "friends" call her jess;)
B. We got your point pages ago no need to reiterate over and over.
C. Its not the New Zealand public land record. Or "what NZ hunters think free range is" world record. Its the free range world record with its own rules and regulations set by what ever international organisation. And i bet its not the only one on their books shot in these circumstances.
It seems to me everyone is arguing about two different things the new zealand standard and the international standard.
Congrats @Barnes Lady
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Hi Username, i was only answering questions thrown at me....its called debate
If that is the head BL got then it's very believable that it's free range. Note, it's only a 15 pointer FFS.
I'd be interested in knowing if in all the years choppers have harvested Deer , and before them Government ground shooters , starting from when there really was a wild Free Range herds roaming NZ back country .
Has there been a Head of this type , configuration , recovered before , from the wild , by a hunter that's not from overseas ?
Im not talking size , that could be explained by food quality animal health .
Or does this stand out as unusual and out of place ?
I'm not shit stirring , it's a genuine question .
What Jess did here in New Zealand is perfectly normal in her home country, NZ guides (outfitters) understand this and target cash rich Americans for a very good reason! It's a magnificent animal and I'm sure she and her party spent plenty of cash while they were here...
There's no way I would travel half way around the world to hunt unless I was guaranteed a animal, there's too much time and cash invested in it to take a chance.
We should be celebrating what Jess has achieved, she seems to be a remarkable person.
Yeah pretty much.
Holden held the nurburgring lap record ............ for utes. It is what it is and needs to seen as such.
Barns Lady The only thing that annoys me a little is this habbit of sitting way behind the animal in the photo to make it appear bigger. Its a great animal, be proud of what it is and get up close and personal for the pics. (But thats just me I guess).
Give up the cancer sticks , take wirehunt up on the fiordland offer and bring a heap of 6 and 7mm free samples packs :thumbsup:
Add .5 to those 6mm projectiles. Must be a typo surely :)
Shooting rat stags in Fiordland would be easier than the one you got. Couldn't think of anything less challenging as far as free range hunting goes. Like rabbits and just as easy in some areas.
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Hit it with a hammer untill it is 7.62mm?
Your still good at maffs like me I see?
WH offered at rat stag hunt. Not a trophy hunt.
There are only a couple spots I would try and target trophy reds in Fiordland anyway. Chamois are better than anywhere else on average tho
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Hes from the coast remember, those extra thumbs make it hard to hold a hammer.