There was a little bit of history repeating at this spot on the weekend. I merely tagged the boys in it so they could see the previous part of the story. Let's leave it there before it goes another 12 pages, I'm not interested in a shit fight
Me too Dundee. I have it all planned out. 1. return to vehicles area with rifle unslung, 2. catch person(s) tu tu'ing with wagon, 3. safety catch "off" loudly if poss,
4. Issue verbal " cease & desist warning, 5. Offenders asked nicely to remove ALL clothing & put into a heap, 6. Clothing ignited brightly, 7. departing round through offenders engine block & a cheery farewell greeting issued as I depart to the pub for a cold one.
Problem is that in 40 odd years I've never come across any bad guys, bugger!!!!![]()
Jeez guys!!! I haven't had so many laughs since I don't know when. I've got tears running down my cheeks.
This whole thing is "seriously" funny ( pun intended!!!)
Thanks to everyone for the humerous input, you've brightened a boring day.
Beers to all. ( even the fuckwits)
So I take it that two more boys out there have had a sense of humour favour
Human nature....some times it's just not as beautiful as nature it's self, but I bet the trees in that spot are laughing there socks of ah
Some people I guess need to engage brain before mouth![]()
How would mention of the threat have boosted his credibility, Spook? He told the story of a pretty piss-poor encounter with some ignorant, bullying arseholes and I see no reason to question his credibility. AS for YOUR crappy attitude, Tell me to piss off on Public land at 1a.m. and I assure you it will all be on in an instant.
This all began on the 10/03/14I see though that it hasn't tarnished Mr Danby's creds. He is a TV star now with the Dooley's. Seems he is well embedded into the "hunting industry" that he's so proud to be a part of
Its a bit like a traffic cop marrying a prostitute...he dragged her down to his level. The Dooley's will need to watch that doesn't happen to them.
I admire the Dooley's, one and all of them. They behave like professionals. But there sure are a lot of wanna be hangers on in the "industry".