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There are too many deer in so many places. That’s pretty obvious, and yes we as hunters play a part in managing them but that part is not big enough. Hunters simply do not shoot enough deer. There’s a few reasons for this such as access which has been mentioned like private property, landlocked reserves and remote public areas etc. Another is the fact so many hunters go out to target stags and leave the hinds and lastly we just don’t actually shoot enough in general, particularly hinds. Anyone who thinks we can continue the way we are is kidding themselves. The issue we face is getting a palatable well rounded solution for the ongoing management of our wild herds. Something that strikes a good balance between hunters mentality on what to shoot, access to areas for hunters to control numbers and then most likely a commercial component that then does the fine tuning but with goals that work for everyone. We need numbers that strike the ultimate balance with the ecosystem they are living in so the deer are healthy and provide good hunting whilst the environment around them is healthy too. Anyone who hasn’t listened to the podcast by the educated hunter with Cam Speedy needs to have a listen and get a bit more educated on the subject. If done right we can setup something good for the future. It will take hunters getting educated and onboard though rather then referring to the defence “entitled” attitude so often seen. It needs to be done, what we all need to worry about is making sure it’s done right. That is a whole other topic in itself and is the concern IMO.