:thumbsupwell my daughter and I decided to go for a rabbit hunt (in the back of my mind I thort we mite see something else on this perfect evening)after 2 games of softball Bella was keen to go.So was I after re siting my .223in at the hand loaders on Tuesday evening( I was really impressed with the guys running the range that evening really helpful thanks guys)On the drive in a red yearling ran down the road we stopped I considered having a go but decided not to being on a public road and all and wanting to set a good example to a young hunter. ,so we watched for a while and drove to the farm .Once there we said hello to farmer and off we went Bella had ago at a couple of rabits and missed(rusty I said and not use to trigger as we had the Wyndham. Not tikka)a little more walking i said stop deer!2fallow were sunning themselves at tad over 300yds we couldn't get closer as they had seen us I dialed in 300yd had to hurry took the shot down he went yahoo off we went to get it.I dragged it out gutted it dragged to track to pick up later ,we carried on got Bella a few rabits(as we were waking along isaid didn't expect to see deer where they were 2reds ran out we looked at each other and laughed you should always be ready!