I’ve noticed that too. But I have a slightly different approach to others. I spend a lot of time looking for good spots to hunt because I like the adventure associated with discovering new places.
Part of that process is taking to others with experience but one thing I promise anyone that helps me is that (a) I’ll never disclose a spot that someone specially doesn’t want me to share. (b) I’m very generous with the information that I have, I believe that I can tell anyone where I see deer, as the good hunters don’t need and won’t use that information and the bad hunters will never find them anyway. (c) I always do exactly what private property owners say, no matter how ridiculous that request is.
I’ve only got one really amazing public land spot that I found without any other hunters assistance and I’ve taken heaps of people there, I just ask them to not tell too many random hunters; but they probably do. :-)
And everyone loves a good yarn, the more bullshit the better?
If we didn’t, how would this forum survive?