Saw your question so thought id come over and start.
Ive only ever bought one brand new rifle in my life too this point. That was a BRNO 270, and I bought it at 21 years old. Among other reasons I tuned 50 this year and thought I could shout myself another one and moving too the south island I had an idea in mind.
So I tracked down what might possibly be the last brand new Barrett Feildcraft in .270, in the world, as they stopped making them a couple of years back. On top of it I put a GPO 30mm 1.5-9x44 with illuminated dot and MIL dots.
My thinking was that Im not interested in whats now described as long range shooting. I want a set up thats great on dusk and dawn. Good in the bush. Uses a cartridge that I can get hold of anywhere in the world. Is flat shooting enough that I do not need to carry a rangefinder. And that will allow me to comfortably kill out too 400 meters if warranted. It also had to be light weight as I intend to carry it more than shoot it.
Also the 270 really had to have a 24 inch barrel to get the best out of factory ammo and make my life easy as far as reloading gos.
Reload group with 130 grain speer hot core and 53gr ar2209 doing 3100fps
It will also shoot similar groups with winchester Accubond ct 140gr factory ammo
Mondays effort.

And it works in the bush as well.
What would I change? I dont know that I needed to have the 30mm tube. I could have saved some weight and gone for a one inch tube possibly. I like the scope and its performing well but I always intended to upgrade to a swaro when I get the chance. Just to give me that bit more morning and evening ability.