Hey guys,
As the title suggests, this has been a hotly debated subject for probably close to 60 years. Within this online community there are plenty of guys and girls that use one to fill the freezer, and just as many that shake their heads at those doing it. The subject of shooting deer with the .222/.223 comes up all the time here, hunters both fresh and experienced wanting to find out more about the cartridges game taking ability and limitations.
So, I have an idea.....
Use this thread as a ‘database’ of experiences on game with the .222/.223. I say experiences, because I’m talking about wins AND losses. That way those interested can see HOW the successful guys are using them, getting a balanced view of success vs failure.
It will require a bit of detail of each kill (or not) and a if it comes to it a bit of humility to post when it went wrong for you. Photos of internal wounding would be great if you can manage it, because a picture paints a thousand words!
So I’ll use my latest as an example of what I’m thinking
80lb sow, shot with Federal .222 50gr blue box. Range of 30yards, aimpoint slightly behind left leg. Animal slightly quartering away so bullet exited just behind opposite front leg. One rib broken onside, both lungs had 1.5” hole through, and smashed 3 ribs on offside.
She ran full pace for 20-30yards before giving up the ghost.
(I would have added autopsy photos, but I didn’t have this in mind when I shot her)