Well not exactly done with the .222, but pretty close…. 223 case.
Helped a mate deal with another 3 deer on his place, lowering the numbers a little with my go-to rifle the 6x45.
Tried something different this time, and used 100gr bullets like they tended to do with the cartridge in Africa when it was popular there. Used Remington Core Lokt bullets, as I guessed they’d be the softest bullet in that weight class.
As I look at it, performance was great. Three deer on the deck, and two with holes both sides. I like to ‘ventilate’ them well but interestingly a good mate of mine reckons that’s ‘wasted energy’ Not to my mind, but hey, we all have our own theories I guess.
Muzzle velocity was 2500fps, so not to bad for a 200yd shot. These were taken at the 175-180 mark.
The remnants of one projectile taken from under the skin on the offside. There was an exit hole, so some lead must have made it out. Hit high shoulder onside, smashed bottom of the spine and through the offside shoulder. (Downhill angle on the shot)