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Thread: 10/22 Accuracy Improvement (best bang for your buck)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    10/22 Accuracy Improvement (best bang for your buck)

    I have a Ruger 10/22 50th Anniversary Blued Hogue rubbery stock. To say its inaccurate is an understatement. Best 5 shot group at 100m 3" on a good day.
    So the question is with all the aftermarket stuff you can add, change or upgrade what's the best place to start? I am not looking for Tacticool stuff only what will improve the accuracy (a lot)
    I have tried all sorts of ammo so have exhausted that route now it might be hardware time. What's the suggestions guys.

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  2. #2
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Like gadgetman suggested

    Sell it.
    Buy the 795 @stretch has and enjoy some accuracy, then buy some beer with the change

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Christchuch New Zealand
    Sell it and buy a better one.....

    All joking aside, 3 inches at 100m is pretty good for a Ruger at 100m on a 22LR. Or most 22LR for that matter, from what I have seen.

    If accuracy is what you are really after, start with either super fast 22LR that are still super sonic at 100m or drop to target or subsonic ammo that is under the speed of sound. When projectiles drop through the sound barrier threshold (Trans sonic) that starts a wobble.

    I had one that would be lucky to do 3 inches at 50m on a good day. (A bad day was closer to 6 inches at 25 and these were far more likely) I had a shotgun that had tighter groups than my old Ruger. A barrel change would have helped. And apparently throwing the rifle at the target would have been an improvement. I have seen some very accurate Ruger 10/22s. But when I asked what had been done to them they changed almost everything except the design and the magazines. (New trigger, barrel,new stock and glass bedded, action and scope mounts.) If this is the path you wish to take then I have heard good things about Kidd, and I think there was another custom option here too.

    It can be done, but when you add up what changes you need it may be worth looking at the costs and considering a higher grade 22 like an Anshutz, or CZ Krico etc.. Those Marlins will usually well out perform the rugers too.

    Another issue will always be the lack of control over the ammunition. It is really difficult and practically impossible to hand load rimfire. You could try something like 22 hornet etc if you don't mind an increase in performance. Especially if going 100m plus.

    I like the Ruger design and I have seen accurate ones, but I have never had the joy or pleasure of owning one as accurate as my old JW27 Norinco.
    rossi.45 likes this.

  5. #5
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    in the middle of the bottom of the south
    My sugestions are,
    Recrown the barrel, $50
    Trigger job $80
    Stock bedding $150 to $250
    in that order
    I get constantly, people commenting that after i thread their 10.22's (and recrown whilst i am at it) they shoot far better.
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  6. #6
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    Look on Nathan foster website, one of his articles about the 10/22 sorted mine.
    Sideshow likes this.

  7. #7
    MB is online now
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    Agree with above about accuracy. I'm getting 0.5 - 1.0 inch groups with my CZ 452 at 50 metres and think that is as good as it's going to get. I've upgraded the tigger, messed with the torque on the action settings and tried different ammo. I've also had the barrel chopped/recrowned which thankfully didn't make it any worse, maybe a tiny bit better. Groups at 100 metres look like shotgun pattern last time I tried, admittedly before I made any changes.

  8. #8
    SiB is offline
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    Talk to @gundoc

    He sorted my 10/22 out. It behaves completely differently now.

    I'm also realistic about what I expect of the calibre and rifle; I keep my 10/22 strictly subsonic and for shorter (less than 50m) shots.

    I'll use my .22mag b/a for longer shots

    Works for me

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by gadgetman View Post
    I came here to say exactly this. beat me too it

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Three inches at 100 m is good, the 10/22 was not designed for target shooting. The Ruger 10/22 is a rifle designed for pest control and the accuracy you are getting is totally adequate.
    I think that 100m is starting to stretch the capabilities of the rimfire round especially subsonic. If you use dial up scopes you can extend on this range but energy is falling off badly as range increases.
    Out to about 70 -80 meters they work well. I Have shot thousands upon thousands of pest animals with the several I have owned over thirty odd years of pest control I was involved in so nobody will convince me they are shit, I still have one which has seen a lot of use and it still shoots as it should.
    I think as a pest control tool they are the best on the market, ideal for on a motorbike using a scabbard( nice and short), easy to clean, function well with subsonic, and are more than accurate for there intended purpose.
    BRADS, planenutz and nickbop like this.

  11. #11
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greghud View Post
    My sugestions are,
    Recrown the barrel, $50
    Trigger job $80
    Stock bedding $150 to $250
    in that order
    I get constantly, people commenting that after i thread their 10.22's (and recrown whilst i am at it) they shoot far better.
    And that is about the price of @stretch's 795, which will likely still outperform the Ruger after spending that money.

    stretch likes this.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  12. #12
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    @Dermastor, just buy my 795 already! I'm local-ish, so I'll even drop it off.

    Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
    gadgetman likes this.

  13. #13
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    gundoc: 1.5" at 100 m.
    miss that rifle

  14. #14
    Member rossi.45's Avatar
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    when you say . . . ' you want to improve the accuracy ( a lot ) ' . . . exactly what did you have in mind & how much do you want to spend ?

    i would imagine if its a project with a Big budget spread over time then you will eventually end up with a tack driver . . . which will owe you untold but may give lots of satisfaction.

    have a look at these guys if you dont know of them already for ideas

    RimfireCentral.com - Rimfire Community!

    just don't sell it later . . . you will take a serious hit

    good luck
    without a picture . .. it never happened !

  15. #15
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    If you want an accurate semi auto .22 buy a KIDD or make one out of parts. The truth is that at 100 m you are better with a .17hmr.



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