About to get my Tikka .308 chopped down to 16".
Ive noticed that a lot of people go 16.5", is there a reason for the extra. 5?
I'm using a muzzle forward QD Oceania Defence can so I want to keep it short.
About to get my Tikka .308 chopped down to 16".
Ive noticed that a lot of people go 16.5", is there a reason for the extra. 5?
I'm using a muzzle forward QD Oceania Defence can so I want to keep it short.
0.5" is going to make a mouses farts difference.
It could be 16.5" so what ever supressor they are using butts up against or very close to the forened. Any shorter and they will have to cut the foreend
If your using a ODL can on a Tikka you will have plenty of room to cut before you hit the stock forend.
16" fine, if all fits...
It could have something to do with fitting the suppressor. Some brands might hit the stock and not fit at 16” but be ok at 16.5”. Other then that the difference is nothing.
Sweet. 16" is the shortest I would go for in a .308 personally so I'll go with that.
@tikka love the look of your 300blk Tikka,nice short package, just dont think a 12 inch barrel would do it for me in a .308. I was hoping to be able to shoot .308 subs in this soon to be 16" Tikka but from what I've read you need a much faster twist rate to stabilise .308 subs? (Tikka .308 t3 is 1/11 I think?)
My Zastava was 1:12 and i stabilized 180gr round nose to use as subs fine. Yet to try subs with my tikka 308.
I would say it would be similar anything heavier than ~180gr will not work 168-180 is marginal for stability.
Try them without a suppressor first to see if they are stable
Could be an American anomaly in NZ, there are a lot of guns made in the USA.
"Simply put, on the whole, a rifle barrel should be no less than 16" and a shotgun barrel should be no less than 18". While the overall gun length for either a rifle or a shotgun has to be 26" according to the ATF, paying extra for an exception can make a difference. Even though black powder guns don't have this limitation, guns that fire "smokeless powder" do have to adhere to ATF and federal guidelines."
Whats The Legal Barrel Length Of Shotguns And Rifles? GunData.org
its an american law
below 16 inches must be made as a pistol and have a pistol brace
otherwise its a SBR and requires a $400 tax stamp
same with suppressors, so a short barrel rifle like a 14 inch tikka with a suppressor would be a two stamp gun (2x$400) for nothing more than the permission from the good ol government to do
lets hope labour doesn't hear about this idea
that and the 9 month waiting period......
Last edited by Bill999; 22-09-2019 at 11:37 AM.
I’m glad we live in the country we do, use what we like with what we like with no seasons.
Barrel length is a personal choice for whatever style hunting you do. A short barrel has it’s bonuses with subs, it’s when your using supersonics how much velocity do you really need? More longer range shots maybe a longer barrel.
A longer barrel is good as you can always cut more off if need be.
Here a couple from the last two trips with the hound and 1:7 12” barrel running 168gr CF Lehigh’s for deer only, cheaper subs for goats.
My .308 has a 16” barrel 1:11” twist. It shoots the 151gr hp cast bullets well, only on targets at the moment. I need 6moa comeup from my supersonic loaf to zero the subs at 25”, still pretty much dead on at 50yds as well.