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The fuckwit that wrote that must be Australian. Reads like the shit they spout over here.
What a load of horseshit
Where's the idiot's fuckin proof?
Besides, what were the cops expected to do when confronted with a sawn-off - I reckon the AOS got that one spot-on.
If you front the cops with a gun then they have every right to take your dumb arse out
As for Cahill, that is just bollocks
55 guns stolen each and every day... :ORLY:
Wow the black market in ammo must be huge!
Fake news.
Don't panic guys. The 20k number is pure cods wallop.
Does someone with too much spare time want to submit an official information request for the police figures on stolen firearms, and then lay a complaint about a police officer lying on public record if they don't agree with his claim?
If you read it it says "or sold to offenders". So the 20k is not clearly the total stolen. Good bit of vague reporting to amp up the anti gunners.
Sent to the odt:
To whom it may concern,
the linked article is an absolutely appalling standard of journalism, using emotive statements and exaggeration in order to increase reader numbers. In a modern sense, it is click bait, and a sad display of the standard of NZ journalism.
You talk about those that get caught in the cross fire. Do you have any evidence of this, or are you referring to innocent bystanders that get shot by AOS members when they miss their targets (Auckland North western motorway incident)?
What about the conflicting information that is also presented by the media such as:
9 Jan 2017 Radio NZ New Zealand | Radio New Zealand News ... union-says
"The problem stemmed from more than 20,000 firearms, including military semi-automatic weapons, entering the country each year, which were then stolen or sold to offenders, he said"
10 Jan 2017 Radio NZ New Zealand | Radio New Zealand News ... legal-guns
"Mr Cahill said it was estimated nearly 50,000 guns come into New Zealand to be sold each year"
So which is it RNZ?...neither i suspect, just the usual sloppy propaganda dished up for the masses..
I thought journalism was meant to be truthful, complete and accurate. NZ firearms owners have noted that your ‘publication’ routinely creates articles with an negative slant towards firearms in this country, without displaying all the relevant facts.
I also note that there is ZERO evidence to back up anything in this article, just an attempt to create hysteria. It is pretty easy to realise that the numbers stated are fabrication (5 minutes on google and some common sense will show this).
As a result I and a number of other liecensed firearms owners will be laying complaints to the press council.
Poor form.
Very likely but the average Joe public doesn't know that they want to believe this BS, This new Wanker is far worse than the old wanker
his lies are not believable and he doesn't seem to give a shit, We could be in big trouble very soon with this enquiry into illegal firearms
the Police don't mined lying to get the result they want it seems,
If 300,000 firearms owners withdraw their support from National and Labour it should send a message just don't give it to the Greens and United
Nah there's a balls up there some where.??
More than 6000 firearms stolen across Australia in two-year period, figures show