Great feed back , thanks guys. It does raise the point... seems to be something missing in the middle ground between the 22LR and a .223.
I've shot rabbits to 450 mtrs with two diffrent brands of rifle with the 223. Done some bullshit / crazy shots with the 22LR that I won't even mention.
17HMR / 22 MAG / Hornet...............all seem to have faults and limits. something cheap and probably rimfire is missing in the 100 mtr to 200 mtr range.
If the .223 is as cheap to run as a 17 or 22 mag then I don't get it.
Less powder, less brass......just seems to be a gap in the market, the 17 HMR tried which is why it was probably so suggestful.
Maybe I had a bad experience with the 17 HMR and need to keep trying .