Just after thoughts and experiences regarding these three calibres.
My rabbit shooting has gone through the roof since moving to central and I am not complaining....living the dream as a varmint shooter.
I will always shoot .22 LR, cheap, quiet and effective. With the amount of shooting I am doing the little JW15 is tagging fur over 100mtrs ..... and of course some shocking misses when I don't do my part.
I have a .223 for the long stuff and I am not enjoying the shotgun but that's another story.
I have dappled with the 17 HMR and was pretty unimpressed to be honest, a lot of wounded animals over the 120mtr mark and wind was shocking with the effect on drift.
So I have been thinking about the 22 mag which I have never owned. I have friends who have dropped Deer with them and even watched the home kill butcher drop 300kg beefies in their tracks with one.
I want a middle ground varmint rifle.. say 150 to 200 yrds , will the 22 mag do it ?
Some say they aren't very accurate but I don't see why they wouldn't be.
As usual guys let rip, tell me your thoughts, piss people off and generally give me your opinion.