My Anschutz .22 magnum shoots 1" at 100m......BUT, the secret is : 1. select the right ammo brand for YOUR rifle.. 2. clean the barrel thoroughly after 20-30 rounds. The copper jacketed ammo at the MV of .22 magnum does foul the tube quickly.
My Anschutz .22 magnum shoots 1" at 100m......BUT, the secret is : 1. select the right ammo brand for YOUR rifle.. 2. clean the barrel thoroughly after 20-30 rounds. The copper jacketed ammo at the MV of .22 magnum does foul the tube quickly.
I've owned/own or shot a number of 22 WMRs. From experience they are either really good or the complete opposite of that. I have almost exclusively used Hornady 30gr V-max - in 80% of circumstances if a 22 WMR does not shoot with that, you are wasting your time. keep them super clean.
The good:
- H&K 300 Semi - comfortably the most accurate I have owned - easy sub MOA/close to 1/2MOA with V-Max
- Sako P72 - easy MOA with V Max
- Ruger 77/22 WMR Boat paddles (with shimmed bolts) x 2 - just about MOA most of the time (30mm @ 100 yards more standard), again with V-max
- Ruger 96/22 WMR - good solid MOA and good with ammo other than V-Max too - more accurate than the Ruger bolt actions. Go figure! Stupidly sold this one .
The ok (but such a cool gun that it is forgiven):
-Winchester 94/22 WMR x2 - both I had (still have one) were in the order of 2 to 2 1/2 inch groups
Not so good:
- BRNO 611 semi delux (with Nickel coat receiver)- lovely gun but this was initially 6" at best. Got the barrel shortened to remove slight muzzle flair in bore that the late Robbie Tiffen found might be an issue, and I shimmed the trigger to remove excessive travel, and as a result was improved, but still struggling to get perhaps 3"
- Chiappa single shot (wood stock) - could not even shoot this at 100. Was a struggle to keep within 6 inches at 50 yards with V-Max. Against my general rule, it shot a bit better with 50gr ammo (but still 4" at 50 yards)
- Stirling... this one was an oldie/rough so not necessarily indicative of all Stirlings, but not much better than the above
- BRNO 452 - expect this should have been good but had been a farm gun for a long length of time - perhaps 3" groups. Again, I have heard good things generally about BRNO 452's.
- Browning A-bolt - these are notorious for bad barrels (Google them) and I think mine was one of them - could not shoot anything. A rifle issue not a cartridge issue.
This is my experience exactly treat it like a centrefire and clean it whether you have fired seven shots or seventy also find the ammo it likes and buy plenty as you can be sure the next batch will not shoot as well. My rifle likes CCI and although I rarely use it I made sure I had enough.Now ammunition prices have gone through the roof I am glad I did. Ammunition will never be cheaper again than it is today.