Keen to see some accuracy results as I have been tossing up between the lite and a CZ.
Keen to see some accuracy results as I have been tossing up between the lite and a CZ.
The ozzie gun guy in the youtube video which Link I posted earlier found the winchester 34 gr HE (which I have a box to try) and the 50gr federal especially were the most accurate , but I can't find any of the federal , all out of stock. Will try some of the winchester subs as well and see if they cycle.
Will be a week or two before I can get out and try though.
And I will say it's not actually super light when compared to other offerings with normal diameter barrel s rather than heavy barrels , around 2,5 kg , but the balance is absolutely perfect . I handled several other brand offerings except the cz which was my other choice but couldn't find one locally to fondle .
But after handling this one nothing else was even close . An absolute pleasure to shoulder and point in my opinion.
The weight is in all the right places , even with scope and suppressor fitted.
Last edited by Ftx325; 24-02-2021 at 08:02 AM.
born to hunt - forced to work
Yea, a poorly balanced rifle is more tiresome to carry in the field than a rifle carrying 1/2 - 3/4lb of extra weight.
Ammo wise, as per my original posting, I found the Winchester 40gr Super-X has excellent penetration and kills (pops) rabbits like a .223. If it shoots well through your new gun I think it would do well on goats.
CCI 30ge TNT are super explosive with no penetration through a rabbit. I was surprised when these panned out to be the most accurate ammo currently available through my CZ. Good for rabbits, but not a good option for goats.
If you can get them try cci 40gn gamepoints they are brilliant on all things small and not so small within sensible ranges (which with a 22wmr you will be limited to anyway)
Thanks for the advice guys.
Had thought of trying the winchester 45 gr JHP in lieu of the federal 50's for goat medicine .
Any experience with those ?
Figured the winny 34 HE for rabbits if they are as accurate as in the review vid and try the subs , if accurate and cycle ok , for possum to keep the noise down and they're always close range anyway , maybe 25 mtrs or so usually if that .
born to hunt - forced to work
For possums I would use .22LR. Why pay twice the price for the WMR performance and then choke it to .22LR subsonic performance?
I see what you are saying but the whole point of this exercise was to avoid me carrying 2 rifles and just have the one to do all three jobs . Just load up and carry a couple of magazines with different rounds for different targets .
No doubt I will still have to carry the 22lr papoose for the kids until they want to shoot it for possums anyway.
born to hunt - forced to work
One of the farms i shoot on the owner swears by 22mag for his goat control (never owned an ar like you think he would of) he has a ruger m77 in 22 mag which hes had for years drops goats like a sack of shit
He can body shoot aswell
As a bunch have already said, with good bullet placement no problem. I learnt to hunt as a kid with a .22 and got very good at neck and head shots inside 50m, dropped a ton of goats no worries and took a few decent pigs with well placed head shots.
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
We need photos of dead Goats![]()
Hi There!
I just posted on another thread about my experience with 22lr and 22 mag. I have lots of goats on the property so regularly undertake culls for them as well as rabbits. Whilst my 22 mag is more powerful I find that I simply cannot get it to group well over 50 meters. I have a Brno bolt action as well as a beautiful Winchester lever action. Despite having tried virtually all brands and configurations of ammo I cannot get reliable groups. On the other hand my older 10/22 shooting CCI sub sonics with a suppressor is deadly accurate out to 100 - 110 meters. 2 weeks ago I head shot a hare at 112 meters according to my brother who was spotting for me with the Leica rangefinder. When culling the goats I always use the 10/22 and am comfortable to shoot them out to 80 meters and they always drop straight down. I shot 2 this morning - 1 at 75m and the other at 62m. I love the 10/22 because I can nail 5 or 6 in a mob and they have no idea where the shots are coming from, and being suppressed you can imagine it is very quiet. The point I am making is that it is all very well having greater knock down and retained velocity. As SiB said, shot placement with small rimfire is absolutely critical.
Last edited by Attila; 28-02-2021 at 05:28 PM.
Mark and Sam on YT did a video on 22 magnum accuracy. He actually ended up tearing down factory ammunition and reloading it. Redoing the powder charges and putting a consistent crimp on the cartridge resulted in a velocity increase and much better extreme spread in velocity. The problem with 22 magnum seems to be that the consistency of the ammunition just isn't very good.
I'll be real interested to see how 17wsm goes on goats.
the new 22 mag ammo is a heap better than the older stuff...that said my mate also has winchester lever .22 magnum the bog std winchester ammunition has always gone well in it...when you could get it the stirling stuff in black n yellow box was even better....I suggest if you cant get the magnum to group.look at everything else other than the ammunition....scope,rings, you holding the stock (try shifting off side hand back to the metalwork ) they do shoot well enough...
Hi @Attila ...
I hear what you are saying re 22 mag accuracy but did my research on the rifle I bought and they are reputed to be very accurate .
There is a vid on youtube of the ozzie reviews and he tested the same rifle with five different ammo brands/types and found them all accurate enough , but two of them in particular were shooting sub moa at 100 mtrs.
Unfortunately the federal he tested in 50 gr which was the most accurate I can't find any for sale locally at the moment apparently due to the ammo shortages but do have a box of the winchester 34gr which came second in his test to try . Also grabbed a box of the heavier 45 gr winchester in lieu of the fed 50 to see how that goes.
And just for shits and giggles grabbed a box of 45 gr subs to try as well.....
Just can't get out for another week or so to have a few shots but will report how it goes here when I get the chance to try them out.
I'm hoping the 45 gr (non subs) will be accurate for head shots on goats......
Fingers crossed.
born to hunt - forced to work