Are you guys rolling? Have a 10/22 project on the trot, just waiting for parts to turn up. Want the barrel chopped back to either 12.5 or 14.5 inches and a good quality can to go on the end, preferably something short and stubby
Are you guys rolling? Have a 10/22 project on the trot, just waiting for parts to turn up. Want the barrel chopped back to either 12.5 or 14.5 inches and a good quality can to go on the end, preferably something short and stubby
I use hushpro. Paul sells them on trademe and his website is here Hushpro home page
Im running a hushpro ll i think it is on my 10/22 i emptied a hole mag and my mate next to me thought i was miss firing I've had it next to a couple of other silenced .22's and mine was the more silent by far all i need is a new after market buffer for it and you won't hear it at all. Im running CCI subs thru mine.
Yup Bunney buster. light cheap and very effective.
How much do the bunny busters go for? Are they still being made? I kinda narrowed it down to - Hushpro, MAE and SAK
Anyone got contacts for bunny buster?
I have a SAK. Love it for quietness. Better than a bunny buster for noise levels. Both can be a pain to clean if they build up inside with crud.