Are you guys rolling? Have a 10/22 project on the trot, just waiting for parts to turn up. Want the barrel chopped back to either 12.5 or 14.5 inches and a good quality can to go on the end, preferably something short and stubby
Are you guys rolling? Have a 10/22 project on the trot, just waiting for parts to turn up. Want the barrel chopped back to either 12.5 or 14.5 inches and a good quality can to go on the end, preferably something short and stubby
I use hushpro. Paul sells them on trademe and his website is here Hushpro home page
Take a look at this CZ 455 American .17 HMR and Hushpro Suppressor testfire. - YouTube
Im running a hushpro ll i think it is on my 10/22 i emptied a hole mag and my mate next to me thought i was miss firing I've had it next to a couple of other silenced .22's and mine was the more silent by far all i need is a new after market buffer for it and you won't hear it at all. Im running CCI subs thru mine.
Yup Bunney buster. light cheap and very effective.
Just a slopy retrobate
How much do the bunny busters go for? Are they still being made? I kinda narrowed it down to - Hushpro, MAE and SAK