One of the things in favour of the 308 beyond commonality of calibre and therefore ammo availablity is that in a way the 308 is like a Ford Escort - if there is a problem everyone else has had the same problem so the fix will be well known, it is a "do everything" calibre so the really best reason for favouring 308 over 243 is that it can be a sort of a psychological backstop ie it is such a known quantity that it can be used as a fixed point through which other variables can be introduced and assessed
If you let a 308 be your first gun then you might sell it in the future but even then you'll always remember it's performance as a kind of lodestar by which you can gauge how other calibres perform, if that makes sense
Obviously the real answer is a 308 and a 243 but also a 7mm rem mag and a blackpowder 50 cal and a 12G pump action and a.. you get the idea