but we dont wear twead coats......and do you seriously believe the rules that say crap like a .243w in minimum for roe deer are the norm????
if your thinking that aiming for the biggest vital bit isnt a good idea at any given range...well you must be some kind on demigod with a heat seeking missile if you are smacking deer in the atlas joint with a .44 magnum using subsonic loads at 500 yards(yes I know your not dumb enough to attempt that)
and NO I am not offering to buy your .44 magnum...I was pointing out that you are saying these guys are unethical because they using less than 1500ftlbs of energy when you yourself are doing the same thing..pot kettle black...glasshouses n stones.
Im 50 years old...for most of my lifetime,the hilar shot has been considered ideal on red deer..... for me if I believe the range is a tad on long side...which for me is 300-350 yards,I will place my X hair high on shoulder to allow my projectile to drop that 6-8" into my desired point of impact.taking out one if not both shoulders and the vitals,slightly too far back,good lung hit in the crease,slightly too far forward a good hillar shot or even neck... slightly high,possible spine and top of lungs,slightly low,heart.... much too low is leg..... quickly reload and be prepared to shoot again ALWAYS....