270 in a 20in barrel or 308 in 18in barrel
Struggling to decide between the pair. Both have pros and cons and both will do the ranges I am after which is a max 500mtrs. Yes I am already proficient at those ranges.
The bonus with the 308 is I can use the same suppressor as I currently have on the 223 (30cal) don't have to buy another suppressor. As the 270 is already threaded.
Reloading components are available for both as is factory ammo. Never owned a 270 but have used them which is a draw card. All ready have 100 brass for it as well.
Will be a tikka as I want the rifle as light as possible, looked at the bergara b14 extreme in 308. Nice rifle and to me smother than the tikka but heavier.
As my 300wsm was 9.9 lbs I want this to be significantly less with the new one.
Which way would you go? Really interested in opinions so I can assist my decision making.