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Thread: 270 cal-which one??

  1. #46
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    Are you telling Greg how a rifle works? thats the funniest shit ive seen to date!
    Hey, if he can act dumb, I don't need to.
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    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  2. #47
    MSL is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by wsm junkie View Post
    275 Rigby
    Laid my hands on a proper 275 rigby last year, it had seen some sights.
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  3. #48
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gadgetman View Post
    0.009" * 25.4 = 0.2286mm

    The .270" BORE is also commonly known as 6.8mm. The difference in bore size is roughly 0.2mm between that and a 7mm BORE.

    There is nothing wrong with my maths and I have the cirtiphicats bits of paper to prove it.
    Your bits of paper are overdue for their introduction to the bonfire
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  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by gadgetman View Post
    0.009" * 25.4 = 0.2286mm

    The .270" BORE is also commonly known as 6.8mm. The difference in bore size is roughly 0.2mm between that and a 7mm BORE.

    There is nothing wrong with my maths and I have the cirtiphicats bits of paper to prove it.
    So closer to .008" then.

  5. #50
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Greg View Post
    Your bits of paper are overdue for their introduction to the bonfire
    I was generally hopeless at any maths that involved numbers. Or spelling words longer than four letters. Or reading.

    Think I initially went to school just for friends to play with and eat my lunch. Mother got a letter saying I was too dumb to get into high school.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  6. #51
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fireflite View Post
    So closer to .008" then.
    Yes, I didn't specify how roughly, but within cooeey.

    9 thou is roughly 0.2mm
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    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  7. #52
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    Had both, a 270 WSM in Canada shot a couple of Mule deer with it and son shot a Black Bear at over 300 yards, all died pretty much on the spot. The 270 Win works equally as well even thought it is a bit slower. I had 270 WSM 130 gr Barnes going at 3260 fps from memory and can get about 3000 fps with the 270 Win, the former just carried a bit more whack out further. My latest reload with the 145 ELD X at 3114fps out of the standard 270 Win closes the gap on the WSM. A great caliber only getting better with the introduction of better bullets/ powders.
    Tahr, 6mm ackley and csmiffy like this.

  8. #53
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    put a set of micrometers on a .270 projectile and you will se it IS THE ONLY 7mm those .284 posers are just different lol. the new 6.8mm pills are SLIGHTLY less difference is less than .308 vs .311-312 and some of us quite happily fire .308 pills down a 7.62x39mm bore and get good results.... all reports of fellas using 6.8mm pills in mighty .270 winchester seem to suggest they are just fine n dandy....

  9. #54
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Greg View Post
    Yeah that's where you lost me the famous 270 is actually .277 plus nine is ...... opps

    Just like 7mm isnt really seven millimetres its 7.21mm...go figure... calibres are full of those nuances
    SO .277 IS actually 7mm so .270 fires a 7mm projectile so .270 should be called 7mm?

    A real caliber like 338WM IS actually shooting a .338 caliber projectile!
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  10. #55
    Member keneff's Avatar
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    These ball-istic threads can teach us [B]sooo[B] much
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  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman View Post
    Had both, a 270 WSM in Canada shot a couple of Mule deer with it and son shot a Black Bear at over 300 yards, all died pretty much on the spot. The 270 Win works equally as well even thought it is a bit slower. I had 270 WSM 130 gr Barnes going at 3260 fps from memory and can get about 3000 fps with the 270 Win, the former just carried a bit more whack out further. My latest reload with the 145 ELD X at 3114fps out of the standard 270 Win closes the gap on the WSM. A great caliber only getting better with the introduction of better bullets/ powders.
    The slightly heavier projectile (140gr+) going at the speeds you have mentioned is what interest me.
    I just don't really want to hand load to get it.
    In saying that I think I have a standard 270 barrel coming for my 2nd project so its probably a moot point now
    What's the best factory loads, but I spose you only roll you own?

  12. #57
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    Only reload but you can get Hornady Precision Hunter ammo using 145 gr ELD X and Superformance powder in factory 270 Win loads. It is pricey though.... $70 plus a box

  13. #58
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    At the end of the day is't only a measurement, nothing more noting less. The main reason I don't like .270 is the combination of trying to push low bc bullets fast creating lots of muzzle blast and recoil. Devastating at close range but bleed lots of energy quickly. HOWEVER it looks like there are some good 270 high bc projectiles now which will carry the energy further. If you can reload or purchase the pricey ammo then it looks good to me. Just remember it doesn't matter, its OK to be gay.
    SGR and dannyb like this.

  14. #59
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    If it can shoot to 300m then its way enough for me. Even my 416 will do that.
    if I want to go further I'd go for a 7mm or 300 mag but the reality is I'm not a good enough shot to consider more than that. I will have one or both of those one day. Always liked the 7mm rem mag. Mind you I also always liked a 2506 just never got one
    I never realised that the BC of 270 bullets was that bad. Probably compared to the really good 30 cals but in its own right ok.
    And I'm sure its a helluva lot better out to 300m+ than the 303 I'm going to be playing around with and still better than my 243.
    Anyway, you're only gay if you push back right?
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  15. #60
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by csmiffy View Post
    Anyway, you're only gay if you push back right?
    I thought it was only if your balls touched ?
    csmiffy likes this.



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