Yeah I may as well use it, just wasnt too sure whats typically used, most .22lr rifles ive used have only had fixed focus scopes on them, typically 4x.
My friend has a stupidly large scope on his 22 magnum and needed higher mounts so the scope didnt hit the barrel. One advantage with a larger lens is it lets more light in and can still give you a nice image at dusk.
Yeah true, but thinking about it, thats probably not a bad thing if i want to hit a possum at close range.
Good point, I always considered higher magnification more necessary on a centrefire and never given it much thought but as you say smaller targets need higher magnification, especially if they are further away, whereas a deer is much larger. Im surprised how many centrefire rifles ive seen that only have a fixed 4x scope on them, so that says alot.
Thats what I wonder, im not too sure what the typical kill range is on a .22lr with subsonics, but with rabbits ive found that they dont let you get too close.
Looks like I will go with it then and see how it goes, doesnt seem much different in size/weight than other fixed magnification scopes ive got.
50m is the furtherest ive shot a possum from and that was just with a fixed 4x, just went for the eyes and hit it smack on. Wouldnt consider it an easy shot, especially when standing with nothing to rest on, however I find it harder to keep still with higher magnification as you notice the movement more looking through the scope.