Just got my license, and I was thinking of getting a 308.. but a very good older freind of mine (with more guns than he will ever use he reckons! ) has said he wants to give me (one of) his 30-06's . Its a nice gun, He said it's scoped really well but has a decent kick to it. I honestly have no idea about the pros and cons of a 30-06 ... never had any dealings with one. Im going to take it to the range anyways and put a pack or 2 through it. He has some ammo he said goes well qith it so thats good to know what goes well... to see if I like it. my question is, would silencing be an option? Would it make a difference.? I just do deer and goats primarily. Not super long range , just run of the mill stuff. Is this gun total overkill? Ive been trying to do my own research on them but there ar so many people more knowledgeable and have so much more experience
here! Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. .