I've seen the odd box of factory ammo on dealers shelves over the years...the last box I saw for sale was some Hornady 180 grain.....is there still an availability in NZ ? Cheers.....
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I've seen the odd box of factory ammo on dealers shelves over the years...the last box I saw for sale was some Hornady 180 grain.....is there still an availability in NZ ? Cheers.....
I think I used the last of mine back in Peking, during the Summer of 1900.......;>)
The last ones I saw were at Collings and Brady sometime in the 1990's. They were loaded by them for No 4 Lee Enfields they had rebarrelled to .30-40 using take off target barrels. You can easily reform .303 cases to .30-40 although they do come up a bit short. The .30-40 was a blatant copy of the .303. I did have a bit of trouble with thick shoulders on some WW cases. You could probably set the shoulder back with a .308 die and fire form although I have not tried it. Reformed cases and 150 grain RN projectiles shoot really well through my .30-40 Martini in spite of the long neck, reduced loads mind.
Regards Grandpamac.
I have a new bag of Winchester brass some where here, was going to form 375Ex out of it but still a bit short as I remember ?
The krag rifles probably have the smoothest action of any bolt gun better even than the Lee.
I have owned a few .30-40's over the years and found that Remington ammo was the most commonly available in NZ. A good round with virtually identical ballistics to the .303.
Greetings All,
To Mangle I am fascinated by your initial post. Do you have a lovely old .30-40 Krag of some type? Or perhaps a burning desire to own a rifle so chambered? Or just curious?
There was a Ruger No 3 carbine in .30-40 listed in the for sale section of Rod and Rifle years back that I procrastinated over buying for too long. There were also some Browning M95 lever actions available in the same calibre plus semi custom single shot rifles likely still available. Please share.
Regards Grandpamac (.30-40 nut).
I had a P14 chambered in 30-40 krag and it shot well.
I say if you have found one you want, then buy it. If you dont you will regret not buying it.
Yes definitely do that Mangle,
Mine is on a Martini action so I keep the loads well down on an action that is coming up 140 years old next year. And yes it does go hunting from time to time. In final recommendation I can think of no better words than those of Dinny himself. A friend of mine asked him "What would I get from rechambering my 8mm to 8mm-06"? To which the sage replied "Nothing really. Only the eminent satisfaction of being a contrary bastard". Based on that sound advice the rifle was rechambered. What more is there to say?
Regards Grandpamac.
And lot of Yanks returning from WWII with war trophies also got shootable rifles back home with no 8x57 available there.
I wonder long after if there was regret doing this rechambering given what K98s ended up being worth.