Looking at taking on another 300DAK, with an unknown round count, built on a Nesika action and tucked in a McMillan A4
Purchased mainly to use the action and stock and burn barrels as required.
I’m aware the 300dak doesn’t have the best barrel lifespan and has immense throat erosion when loaded pissing hot.
Other than 300WM what are peoples preferred cartridges these days, I’ll squeeze every last round out of it before rebarreling, but looking to do my R&D before we reach that point
300dak essentially stems from 404jef brass, so anything around that ball park is manageable, I’m just substantially out of tune on what’s “hot” so to speak, google yields plenty of US based results, but as we know they more often than not don’t translate to NZ shooting in practicality and price.
Also anyone who has owned and hunted with 300dak, what are your thoughts ? And was it a monumental waste, or did it meet your expectations, as I may just get another 300dak barrel pending some real world data.