@Marty Henry
Yes, so much history in your hands. So the two opposing broad arrows -><- they refer to sold out of service, is that correct? (Not that NZDF are looking for any missing ones from their armouries).
@Marty Henry
Yes, so much history in your hands. So the two opposing broad arrows -><- they refer to sold out of service, is that correct? (Not that NZDF are looking for any missing ones from their armouries).
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
I thought sold out of service, was opposing broad arrows with SS in the middle, not NZ? I will have to look on one of mine.
Two broad arrows head to head with or without the s s was the end of service mark. @Tertle runs the all about enfields website and has helped me in the past with a few unusual marks.
Its definitely worth looking at if you have an interest in the best main battle rifle ever manufactured.
NZ stamped on it means it was accepted into NZ service after inspection. Its usually accompanied by one or two numbers on early rifles the one closest to the nz being the last two didgets of the year, and the other one being the acceptance number, the one in the photo was accepted in 1898 and was the 47th one inspected.
Last edited by Marty Henry; 05-01-2018 at 01:15 PM.
like you Marty Ive also consulted Tertle and fairly near drowned in my own drool as I took in his collection.wow!i also owe a big debt of gratitude to GunDoc when he had the shop in brisbane st for his taking of valuable time to explain the idiosyncrasies of the old girl.303 and showing me how to set the scope up properly etc plus shortening the barrel.i was a virgin then not the hoary pig headed potbellied grunter i am now
for 30yrs she wore a bentley scope kindly renovated for me by richard wilhems from wilhems arms &optics-he did the 4x40&the 4x28 replacing reticles with duplex ones and regassing
both .
the 4x40alas passed away 18months ago from old age but that wee 4x28 still sits in the safe as a spare.
gentlemen as a firearms owner and user i feel a duty to acknowledge those craftsmen who have assisted me over the years-a little extra goes a bloody long way in my book!