So I know guns and alcohol don't mix
But some time in the next few weeks I'm going to visit a gent who's offered to sell me his very nice 303 double rifle
I have seen it before, a few years ago and mentioned I should get one some day
He's mentioned it more often recently and said we should sit down and make a plan
Now I have my recently repaired and shooting well Remington rolling block no.5 303 to take and shoot with him
I'm sure it will get things off to a good start
But I think I should also take a decent bottle of whiskey for when we start the dance on the 303 double rifle
Now I like whiskey a lot and used to get given bottles pretty often prior to retiring late last year
I've run out myself
And to be honest haven't brought a bottle myself for 20 years despite getting through a couple of bottles a year
Pretty bad that I just drink what's there !
So what should I buy for this particular task ??