yes found it same as bottle in NZShoota,s photo - about 70% full - fairly good order label for age - has to be over 50 years old - got it from Dad - PM me if interested
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yes found it same as bottle in NZShoota,s photo - about 70% full - fairly good order label for age - has to be over 50 years old - got it from Dad - PM me if interested
Yes that would be awesome mate.
60 years ago I worked in Tisdalls Sports in Palmy after school and during the holidays. One of my jobs once a week was to oil the rifles on display. There was a big line of them unlocked and open to the public to take out of the rack and look at so they got very finger marked. The oil used was Youngs 303. Just the mention of it brings back so many youthful and happy memories.
I loved that job. They offered me a full time job but my solo Mum said I had to get a "trade". Lasted 3 years and then ran away from home to go shepherding.
I bought a tin of .303 when ?I bought my 1st rifle, no4 in 1979. Used it for years but never liked the smell. And the fact that if you got it all over your hands, you could smell it sweating out of your body hours later. I thought 'this is probably not good' and stopped using it.
Barry the Hunter. Are you able to flick me an email from my profile please mate?
I seem to remember an aerosol version of Youngs 303? Remember the old man using it.
now someone correct me if I am wrong the original in a bottle had a very distinctive smell and was rumored to contain whale oil - the later model stuff in modern containers smelt nothing like the original but rather a mixture of diesel and maybe engine oil - definitely not the same recipe
Chop3r. Could you PM me please?