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Thread: .308 or 7mm 08? Newish hunter for deer/tahr

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2022

    .308 or 7mm 08? Newish hunter for deer/tahr

    I'm sure 'what rifle to buy' is well worn question here, but I couldn't find an answer....
    I have some hunting experience but haven't owned a rifle before.
    Currently leaning towards a tikka 308. Seem like a light accurate rifle and a calibre that is well proven and will do the job on any hunt, plus wide selection of available ammo.
    However if what I have been told is right, the 7mm 08 has better long range shot credentials...or Tahr or longer range shots it may prove useful?
    I must say when look at the barrel length of them side by side the 7mm is vastly longer which makes sense in my mind for accuracy of distance.
    Any feedback will be gratefully accepted.
    Taff and CBH Australia like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    308 all the way. But 30-06 better.
    Summer grass
    Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
    the aftermath.

    Matsuo Basho.

  3. #3
    Member dale's Avatar
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    I’ve got both a 308 and 708. Shot more tahr with the 708 but they are both the same and what ever fits you will work well.
    CBH Australia, Longrun and HCPC like this.

  4. #4
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    Calibre debates are often lengthy and leave you wondering why you asked.. but I’ve used both calibres your thinking about a lot.
    I feel you will be happy which ever you choose as long as you put the practice in on the range and get to know your limits and how the round performs making sure it groups well first and follow up by shooting and noting the actual drop at specific distances, as opposed to the theoretical drop a good tip is, writing it down and taping it under some clear tape on your cheek piece or on top of the bell of your scope for quick reference. Best of luck with what ever you choose
    CBH Australia, Eat Meater and HCPC like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2022
    Thanks... good advice.

  6. #6
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    If you are not going to reload then out of the 2 308 will give you more choice in factory ammo and more chance of always being able to find some in the shops.
    Animals won't know the difference between them and I suspect neither will you.

    300wsm is nice but like the 6.5Creedmore factory ammo can be hard to find and limited choices as they are both very popular
    Micky Duck and Longrun like this.

  7. #7
    Member Puffin's Avatar
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    It sounds like you might have been comparing between the 510mm and 600mm barrel lengths, so not really comparing apples with apples. The decision may then be as much about the shorter barrel giving a rifle that is handier in the bush at the loss of some velocity, as much as the differences inherent between the calibres.
    HCPC likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    End of the day....doesnt matter. Either works.

    Ask the dead animal if it works better when you decide which one
    gilly, Shearer and Micky Duck like this.

  9. #9
    MB is offline
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    Both are great, but there's no doubt you'll have more ammo availability and choice with .308. Go .308.

  10. #10
    Member stagstalker's Avatar
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    308 and the reason I say that is due to the ammunition supply and demand issues where it’s harder to get 7mm08 atm.
    dannyb, Louie and Longrun like this.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    What MB said.

    In the past the 7mm08 vs 308 debate has been a perpetual cosmic giant killer, 7mm08 is more popular in NZ than overseas.
    At present ammunition manufacturers in the states are struggling to keep up with demand.


    This leads to a tendency for them to concentrate on their more main steam markets like .308. Shutting down production lines to switch out to the more niche calibers like 7mm08 is happening less as they try to avoid downtime. Upshot is it can be hard to get 7mm08 lately.

    Barrel length contributes to velocity but not necessarily accuracy.
    In the old days of open sights longer barrels gave longer sight radius which gave better accuracy. On a scoped rifle a 22” .308 barrel is not necessarily any more accurate than a 16” .308 barrel. Theoretically it can be less accurate due to increased option for recoil vibrations/harmonics.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by longshot View Post
    What MB said.

    In the past the 7mm08 vs 308 debate has been a perpetual cosmic giant killer, 7mm08 is more popular in NZ than overseas.
    At present ammunition manufacturers in the states are struggling to keep up with demand.


    This leads to a tendency for them to concentrate on their more main steam markets like .308. Shutting down production lines to switch out to the more niche calibers like 7mm08 is happening less as they try to avoid downtime. Upshot is it can be hard to get 7mm08 lately.

    Barrel length contributes to velocity but not necessarily accuracy.
    In the old days of open sights longer barrels gave longer sight radius which gave better accuracy. On a scoped rifle a 22” .308 barrel is not necessarily any more accurate than a 16” .308 barrel. Theoretically it can be less accurate due to increased option for recoil vibrations/harmonics.
    Plenty of good answers from all

    Both could do what you want. I have both.

    I have a soft spot for the 7mm-08 and the .308 is the practical choice if it's a one and done hunting rifle.

    .308 as a rifle chambering is common as muck but still a good choice.
    I like the 7mm-08 for having that something unique and because the concept of the cartridge appeals to me.

    Tough decision.
    HCPC likes this.

  13. #13
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Go to your local ammo supplier and check what's available for both calibers in both factory ammo and reloading components.....should make your decision pretty simple
    bigbear, Cordite, Jukes and 1 others like this.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Danny B is right - ammo will be concern for some time sadly - so on that score .308 will win hands down -pity cause if you were offered a nice early sako cheap in say 7x57 i would not turn my nose up at it - so if its a nice rifle and comes with ammo well worth consideration - really .308 .270 7mm08 30.06 .280 270WSM 300WSM all will do the job -get an accurate rifle that suits you- your choice -now I am going to get ugly looks here but I would steer clear of .243 and the 6.5 calibers - bit light really especially if you had thar in mind - I have always been a .308 man but I am a big fan of .270 as well - 30.06 never taken of in NZ but damn fine caliber
    CBH Australia and HCPC like this.

  15. #15
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Dirty 06 would be my pick a bit more thump than 308 and still good supplies of ammo.
    But yeah of the 2 calibers asked about really whether one is better or not doesn't really come in to it it at all its purely down to get what you can still buy ammo for plane and simple...
    300wsm for life likes this.



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