Thanks for all the feedback, Tuiman has come to the rescue and will help put together what i wanted. 7saum. Stoked.
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Thanks for all the feedback, Tuiman has come to the rescue and will help put together what i wanted. 7saum. Stoked.
Good stuff abe
New barrel shot the 125 partitions today @ 3125 with no pressure signs using my pet load. Just neck sized 3 firings. Seated to mag length.
Shot the partition accurately to 600 in my old barrel. The new one is tighter again so far.
Biggest load of shit I have ever heard that 6.5 projectile is a slow killer at range. Not in my experience at all, try using the right projectile.
In saying that my .260 AI will never have its legs stretched on animals.
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Big raspberries to that mate. How are they any different to equal weight projectiles in other calibres apart from better better BC thru the weights going to the 6.5's and 7mm
Which matters at range. A bullet doing 2500fps leaves a lot of room for error on a live target beyond 500 yards. Static targets are not an issue with either.
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Just what I read. I'll have to test it for my self when I get a scope that can dial on my ai
If a 7mm 120 and a 6.5 120 both going the same speed, would the 7mm 120 have more energy/knock down power
Just thinking along the lines of dropping 2 balls into water the same weight but ones fatter then the other wouldnt it displace more water making a bigger wave, so the same would go for an animal?
Should be some smart people here to answer that for me
i done a wee bit of playing on jmb for james (Freezer) yesterday
I looked trough the data and found the loads producing the slowest speeds (worst case)
* 123 A-max @ 2735 (slowest load for a 125 so would be going a little faster for real)
* 130 VLD @ 2735 (again a 125 load so would be going a little slower for real)
* 140 A-max @ 2510
* 140 VLD @ 2510
when that data was punched into jmb it told me there was enough energy out 500 working on the 1000 ft lb mark the 123 has 929 ft lb but imo that would still be ok with proper shot placement..... and the rest were better than that
so shooting the same pills at max speeds 260ai would be sweet out to at least 550 imo
anyway he is getting a saum now and that will piss in:) good on ya abe:thumbsup:
Unless the two balls dropped in the water were made from different materials ( thus different volume) then they wouldn't displace any more area than the other.
2 projectiles of same materials with equal weight and velocity with have very similar results in an animal.
Have you been reading the terminal ballistics website again Toby?
I used to think along those lines as well. But no. The only difference is a minuscule amount of diameter.
In my experience every animal is different. Doesn't matter with what or where they are hit, they can react differently.
People try to apply science to it, but in reality it is a totally different.
Get out and shoot some game with your new rifle and in time you will most likely come to the same conclusion.
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To answer toby if two projectiles of the same weight are going the same speed they have exactly the same energy, regardless of surface area. The smaller diameter pill will have a higher sectional density therefore should penatrate further.
Energy is the same, but the practical question is how do they transfer that energy to an animal, and how does that translate to killing effect?
I suspect bullet construction would be a bigger factor than 0.5mm difference in diameter, but thats just speculation rather than experience.
Bullet construction. Not all are created equal.