I wanted to have more hunts with the new shooting iron before i posted but covid19 stopped that. After this blows over i will unleash it again. So here is an ' up to now ' report some housebound hunters might like to read.
It was getting close to xmas when Truflite got it finished. (thanks Grant & Athony )
Laminated Tikka, Trueflite 1-9" .338 barrel and VX-5 3-15 Leupold. DPT mag suppressor.
After a quick load test with the 180gr Accu-Bond @ 3025fps i hit the kawekas. In the five days i shot 5 ranging from 150yd - 380yd. All but 1 dropped on the spot and the bullets passed through even angle shots that went through huge grass filled gutbags.
Over xmas i tried a selection of bullets. 250gr Hornady R nose, 225gr Nosler partition,210gr Barnes TTSX, 225gr Federal fusion, 225gr Hornady SST,185gr Barnes TTSX, They all shot well, .5 @ 100yd and 1" @ 200yd showed it probably can shoot a lot better than i can consistently. I chose the 225gr Federal fusion to try this roar but only shot 3 big reds before lockdown.
The fusion seemed to work well, opening up quick under the skin and pushing a big hole through anything in its wayPhoto of in hole with the bullet found under the skin on back leg.