I plan to get out quite a bit. Have a 7 day planned for later in the year, and as I grew up in taupo, have a few contacst I can reconnect with there and get out and about.
Also have family in Napier that gives me a great excuse to get down there for a few days. I do like a good range session and am pretty close to the DS range here.
I expect to do quite alot of walking and not much shooting to be honest at first, I've spent plenty of time in the bush, mostly after stinkies and pigs though, never really had a good crack at stalking deer.
Either calibre appeals to me really just because they are a little bit different. I have easy access to a reloading setup, so will just need to get the suitable dies.
I like to tinker so if I cant find anything that tickles my fancy I will just pick up a howa barreled action and go from there