This is going no where, again.
What we should do is have a real comparison, we should compare the 257 Roberts with the 25 06
I'm continually told the 25 06 is shit!
This is told to me by friends, by people I know, by people I don't know but have a loose association with on the internet therefore bearable, and finally by people on the internet I don't know and therefore I don't give a fuck about what they say.
The 257 Roberts or, Bob, if you are the friendly but ever so mildly patronizing type of guy every social set has who wishes all others to think he is au fait , indeed intimate with the whys and wherefores of caliber differentials within the same group.
Is slower, even more obsolete and harder to find in factory form that the 25 06, actually the last one I heard of was a Ruger Hawkeye.
So therefore I would expect it shouldn't even be heard of unless in history books and old men forums, except, it still persists in surprisingly younger folk when the 25 06 is so obviously superior.
The Charts @
Flyblown have put up are terrific, perhaps you could do another set for these two.
That should do it.
Tahr, You may now say something , if you wish.
