OK....maybe Ive been a bit harsh.....the hero comment tends to do that...
you scoped yourself using a LOUD rifle...and yo ualso own another harsh kicking rifle....not long after scoping yourself your shooting for whatever reason went to shit....and youve got what must be the countries most inaccurate .223...spells out FLINCH being a very real posibility
you have never said how well you can shoot your .45/70....... go shoot your animals under 150yards with that..... why not??? you have got it,assumably it hasnt been stuffed around with so still shoots straight... you wont damage anymore meat than with anything else,in fact you will probably damage less as big slow bullets tend to do that... from the few small animals Ive hit(wallabies the size of a 2year old goat) its more like someone has stabbed them right through with an apple corer..just a big empty hole with nothing inside it and bugger all bruising.
and while your at it..try some different ammunition in the 223...something 55 grns to begin with. for goats and fallow the .223 is pretty hard t ogo past with the 150ish yards ranges you were mentioning....and the 45/70 is just plain good fun with lesser loads in same ranges