I see where you're going, and I do have a load developed with 120 VMAX for this rifle and most of a box of them on the shelf. But I've wanted a 243 for about a year and finally decided I would have a go at getting one.
You're right, I could just have one rifle that does it all, (my rem mag gets plenty of love and I take it on expensive trips) but where's the fun in that? A 308 would do it all, but I sold mine so I could buy a shotgun and shoot ducks. Maybe I'll end up selling this as a 7 mill o latte and get a 308 again, keep the 243 barrel, who knows.
Reloading is my hobby, I find it all fascinating, my wife and most of my friends not so much ha ha
I want to learn about a caliber I have no experience with and with a bit of luck and some good shot placement, even put some meat in the freezer in the process.
Plus the barrel swap on its own should occupy my mind for a while at least
Then again, maybe a meth habit would be cheaper
