Finding 7mm pills might be about to get even harder.....
Finding 7mm pills might be about to get even harder.....
Wonder when we find out when we will see any ?
Also watched it this morning.
Will be interesting if and when we see it.
Is it a new mouse trap? No...will it do the job and have factory support? If the 6.5 is anything to go by then yes.
I think it will become the remmag replacement.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
No issues with new cartridges, and good luck to anyone that get one, but it won’t be replacing my 7RM. I don’t get the perceived issue with “old fashioned” belted cases. No difference at all when reloading compared to cases without belts.
The member formally known as Spitfire
I think the 6.5 PRC (like you have VC) is the better hunting option because it will be easier to shoot accurately in a hunting situation than the 7 PRC with those powerful loads. With the 6.5 it will still do the job loaded with 120 - 130 class pills for normal ranges and on a much lighter platform. I would rather have a 7 Saum if going 7mm
HEAD-TO-HEAD: 6.5 PRC / 7mm PRC / 300 PRC
@Moa Hunter why the 7mm Saum? Just curious
I dont have one but looking at all the options it comes out as about the best all round NZ chambering imo. It achieves almost 7WSM velocities with a lot less powder and recoil. 'Mark and Sam after work' have done a bit with it and found it to be a very very efficient and accurate cartridge.
This new 7 PRC will need a longer barrel than a Saum because of the greater volume of powder, so shorten it down to 22 -24 and see how it goes. For sure it will be good as a PRC competition round but will it be any better than a 300WSM as a powerful hunting round ?
Wanted this for a while now, there is a guy on youtube who got one build soon as sami specs came out, think his channel is backfire
Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"
I'm not sure I can get too excited by this 7mm PRC.
All of the other Hornadt cartridges have been a clear improvement over exisiting options and have bought good factory ammo and rifles to the market which are fit for purpose.
The 7mm PRC on the otherhand I'm not convinced about, for no other reason than I think it should've been short action length.
For this reason only I think the 7mm SAUM will be sticking around and won't be "killed off" like 300wm, 6.5SAUM and 260 effectively have been by other Hornady cals. I know they haven't actually been killed off but I think over time the PRCs will be the clear winner as far as factory rifle offering go.
The trend and best use case for magnums is long heavy for caliber bullets. In 7mm this is 180's. This is right at the edge of magazine length for a S/A. Combine this with a very fat case to get enough powder in to the short magazine and you have a cartridge that needs to be individually tuned for feeding, and even then can be unreliable. Not ideal in a factory chambering.
The long action makes way more sense imo. Better form factor for feeding, way more mag space and only a small sacrifice of weight/length.
These new cartridges are less about making something new and more about improving on an existing formula, then making it readily available with a bit of good old fashioned marketing.