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Thread: Adapters for 11mm dovetail to Weaver?

  1. #1
    Member Grey Kiwi's Avatar
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    Adapters for 11mm dovetail to Weaver?

    Guys, I'm changing my scope setup on the CZ457 (11mm dovetail).
    Currently have Burris Signature rimfire rings (the ones with the wee plastic inserts), and using a Sightron Sll 36x42 scope which has a 1" tube.
    Just this week decided to get a Sightron Slll 45x45 which has a 30mm tube.
    But Burris don't make a 30mm ring to fit rimfire dovetail...so I either use plain old rimfire 30mm rings or get the 30mm Burris XTR Signature style of ring and adapt it to fit my 11mm dovetail.
    I like the concept of the Burris rings as I can pretty much sight the rifle in by fiddling with the inserts and leave the scope optically centred as much as possible.
    So...to fit the bigger Burris rings I need an adapter.
    What's the thoughts on these....?
    Real world experience please...no use commenting if you have never used them and then say "nah, they're crap", or "yeah, they're great".
    I had a CZ rail (since sold on here to a forum member), but it obstructed my single shot loading (I only use the rifle for indoor benchrest).
    Online I've read mainly good things about those adapters. The odd queer sod complains about them and then you see that they fitted the adapter upside down, or complained about how hard to fit...but they tossed out the fitting instructions and put the adapters on the rifle first (not inserting into the ring mount first).
    So yeah, comments seem mainly positive...but are they all made in the same (China) factory and just have different names on them, or is there a better quality set I should look at?
    Oh yeah, I'll be selling the Sightron Sll and the rings soon too. As new...been on the rifle for a few weeks and only shot the rifle 4 times with this current setup.
    Will separate if required. Price? Will figure that out when I list them on here but feel free to PM for photos etc if you want to get in first.
    I like the Sightron Sll but old eyes need a lot of help, and I figured that I might as well spend the Kid's inheritance on me for a while. So that's why the Slll has been bought.

  2. #2
    Member kidmac42's Avatar
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    I bought a set of 'dtp' dovetail to picatinny rail adapters a while back, but couldn't get them to fit tight. Still had a loose wiggle once everything was tightened up.only way to fix I figured was to fit shims. So back in the packet and into the depths of the 'stuff' drawer.
    The best camouflage pattern is 'hold still and be quiet. '

  3. #3
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    bought one from aliexpress for under $10 worked well and never shifted zero
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  4. #4
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  5. #5
    Member Grey Kiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidmac42 View Post
    I bought a set of 'dtp' dovetail to picatinny rail adapters a while back, but couldn't get them to fit tight. Still had a loose wiggle once everything was tightened up.only way to fix I figured was to fit shims. So back in the packet and into the depths of the 'stuff' drawer.
    Did you fit them into the mounts first and then fit the whole assembly to the rifle?
    Needed shims doesn't sound good.
    Were they the 'right' size dovetail (3/8" or 11mm)?
    As I understood it, you snap the inserts into the base of the rings first then place the rings on the dovetail. Tighten it all up and good to go.
    The actual ring mounts squeeze the insert in tightly to the dovetail.
    Not that simple then?
    What way seemed loose? From side to side, or up and down?
    Were they the UTG DTP adapters (that I linked to)?

  6. #6
    Member kidmac42's Avatar
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    Was side to side, yes I fitted to the ring base first. Yes, utg #dtp. So, I didn't bother any further with it.
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    The best camouflage pattern is 'hold still and be quiet. '

  7. #7
    Member Grey Kiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidmac42 View Post
    Was side to side, yes I fitted to the ring base first. Yes, utg #dtp. So, I didn't bother any further with it.
    Thanks, good to know.
    I'm guessing that the 2 wee bits of the adapter were actually touching each other when you tightened them.
    They were too wide (maybe) and had no gap to allow further tightening?

  8. #8
    Member kidmac42's Avatar
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    I honestly don't remember sorry. I have dug them out from the mire and found 3/8ths is written on the packet, so probably the problem.
    I wasn't aware there's was different sized dovetails.
    The best camouflage pattern is 'hold still and be quiet. '

  9. #9
    Member Grey Kiwi's Avatar
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    Thanks @kidmac42 I've sent a reply PM.
    Much obliged.
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  10. #10
    Member Grey Kiwi's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, there are 2 different 'angles' on dovetails too.
    45 and 60 degrees...just to make life harder.
    CZ use various sizes and angles depending on market they sell in to.
    I think it's 45 degree angle for USA market, and 60 degrees for (mainly) the rest of us.

  11. #11
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    @Grey Kiwi - I went down this path when considering a 30mm scope but stopped short when I got a Vixen in 1". I couldn't find a good quality adapter at the time, but did happen on the Warne 30mm rings with a switchable 11mm / 3/8" clamp. They are good quality, and would have been my choice if I had gone for a 30mm scope for my EM-332. Reloaders and Serious Shooters stocked them.
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  12. #12
    Member hotbarrels's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grey Kiwi View Post
    What's the thoughts on these....?

    Real world experience please...no use commenting if you have never used them and then say "nah, they're crap", or "yeah, they're great".
    I use the spring-loaded split units as per your Reloaders link above on all my CZ's. I purchased a range of them 5-6 years ago from ali-express, with different lengths. I use a long, full length unit on my PARD's. Simple, low height, relies on the rings creating the clamping force (takes one extra set of clamps/screws out of the system). Never had an issue with them and can highly recommend them.
    tetawa, Grey Kiwi and Moa Hunter like this.

  13. #13
    Member Grey Kiwi's Avatar
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    Thanks guys.
    I have also found these adjustable rings.
    They too will allow me to adjust the cant of the scope down at the front (which I do as I'm only shooting at 25 yards. The final wee bit of adjustment I do using the scope turrets).
    It helps to keep the scope optically centred.
    I will try those wee inserts first and go from there.
    Much appreciate all the help on this.

  14. #14
    A Better Lover Than A Shooter Ultimitsu's Avatar
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    I have used (from cheap to expensive):

    1. 11mm rail, one set of 30mm rings from Ali. About 7 dollars a pair. they look cheap and feel cheap, and are cheap. But amazingly work really well. I have a pair that I use on an Air Arms TX 200 M3. A full sized airgun with fairly strong recoil. A few thousands of pellets later, one dead scope and the rings still hold zero.

    2. 11mm-20mm adaptor made from one piece aluminium, from Ali. About 4 dollars per piece. This comes in too tight, so you need to pry it open a bit, aftere that it fits fine. this is higher than #3 below. I have a pair moutned on an Anschutz with a 30moa 30mm one piece rings (About 45 dollars piece). It has been working well since i got it set up. With this set up the scope gets about 40MOA from 50m zero.

    3. 11mm-20mm adaptor made using a sliding mechamism, from Ali. About 6 dollars per piece. This is lower than #3 above. I only just got them and mounted and have not yet tested them. My intenion was to mount a scope sideway so I can target shoot the rifle open sight, and still check where i hit using the scope. saving me from having to using a spotting scope. But I find them to be well made so there may be much wider applications to them, I think will buy a few more since they are on sale right now.

    4. 11mm, one piece rings, from Ali. About 15 dollars. I cannot remember why I bought it in the first place but how I use it now is somewhat unusal. My boy was 6 yo (he is 7 now) when I set up this single shot rifle for him. I refuced the lenth of the stock to fit him, and forward mounted the scope as far as I could, and this one piece mount has a bit of an off-set so it can go forward than a normal pair of rings can. It has been a year and it still shoots well.

    5. Bil Scarr's 35 and 55 MOA rail for cs457. About 80 bucks each after shipping costs. I have only used the 35 MOA version. It came loose once during a match, I retightened and finished the match. I later used loctite and it has not come loose since. Scarr's rails are of the same desighn as CZ's, which is secured using 4 screws from the top, pressing down to the action. So if you do not tighten them really hard they are likely to come loose. Internet review(s?) says this is an inferior design and it can crack the rail if too tight, and that Area419's side tightening rails are better. But they are way more expensive like $200. The scope which i mount on the CZ457 has about 23Mil, but is limited 19mil when using zero stop (and you cannot remove the ZS). With the 35MOA rail, my scope has all the remaining 19 Mil travel available. So I have no use the 55moa version until I get bigger scope. 19 mill takes you out to 380 meters with Eley Team. I dont have anywhere i can shoot that kind of distance anyway.

    I baby my guns. Take that into account when you consider my expereince.
    Last edited by Ultimitsu; 13-11-2022 at 11:32 AM.
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    Hi, I'm using CCOP Stealth rings, they are steel rings made in China, nice looking solid rings, windage adjustable and available in low, medium and high 30mm if thats of any help to you. Cheers Brett.
    Grey Kiwi likes this.



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