Adapters for 11mm dovetail to Weaver?
Guys, I'm changing my scope setup on the CZ457 (11mm dovetail).
Currently have Burris Signature rimfire rings (the ones with the wee plastic inserts), and using a Sightron Sll 36x42 scope which has a 1" tube.
Just this week decided to get a Sightron Slll 45x45 which has a 30mm tube.
But Burris don't make a 30mm ring to fit rimfire I either use plain old rimfire 30mm rings or get the 30mm Burris XTR Signature style of ring and adapt it to fit my 11mm dovetail.
I like the concept of the Burris rings as I can pretty much sight the rifle in by fiddling with the inserts and leave the scope optically centred as much as possible. fit the bigger Burris rings I need an adapter.
What's the thoughts on these....?
Real world experience use commenting if you have never used them and then say "nah, they're crap", or "yeah, they're great".
I had a CZ rail (since sold on here to a forum member), but it obstructed my single shot loading (I only use the rifle for indoor benchrest).
Online I've read mainly good things about those adapters. The odd queer sod complains about them and then you see that they fitted the adapter upside down, or complained about how hard to fit...but they tossed out the fitting instructions and put the adapters on the rifle first (not inserting into the ring mount first).
So yeah, comments seem mainly positive...but are they all made in the same (China) factory and just have different names on them, or is there a better quality set I should look at?
Oh yeah, I'll be selling the Sightron Sll and the rings soon too. As new...been on the rifle for a few weeks and only shot the rifle 4 times with this current setup.
Will separate if required. Price? Will figure that out when I list them on here but feel free to PM for photos etc if you want to get in first.
I like the Sightron Sll but old eyes need a lot of help, and I figured that I might as well spend the Kid's inheritance on me for a while. So that's why the Slll has been bought.