I’ve run various brands of suppressor over the years. Gunworks consistently perform well. DPT performs well on 16” .308 with extra S/S baffle, both subs and supers. Sonic 35 and 45 both performed well on .223’s. The 45 did have a flaw though, isolator tube developed a hole in isolator tube and starts to etch barrel. Aimsport on 6.5CM appears to be the most effective, noticeably quieter than 223 on the mound at range. Waitaki can on AR was probably best performer, hunting mate didn’t even know I’d fired shots from maybe 50 m down track. Sonic 35 appears marginally quieter than Gunworks unit but my main work rifle, Howa, groups better with GW unit so that stays paired with that rifle. Sonic lives on NV equiped rifle and does the job. There’s been a couple of other brands as well, also did the job. Suppressor performance is hard to gauge without expensive testing gear as Simon Gibson from R&R magazine found out. My test is whether I can get whole mob of goats or deer without them getting too disturbed of without residents/mop getting upset when shooting near residential/public areas. Just my 2c. Off to shoot me some goats, ‘later guys.