Ultimately rings can be easily changed out unless you are running an obscure rifle with special dovetails or special direct mounted rings. The rifle you are considering is not in this category.
Rings dia isn’t really a consideration on which to base your rifle purchase on anyway, besides diameter they may be too high, too low, too cheap, too tight (over torqued), too loose (really over torqued), too close together, too far apart, to flimsy, too heavy.
Once you choose the scope you want, the rings you have will either be perfect, almost perfect, not great, not able to fit.
If they are either of the second two, just buy new rings that are in either of the first two categories.
You can sell the original ones or put them in a box for a day when you might buy a rifle/scope combo that suits.
To answer your original question directly, main difference between 30/25 scopes is dialing range. I do have two 30mm scopes that are nice to look through, but I don’t have directly equivalent 25s to make a direct comparison.
If you are buying a new scope, there seems to be more 30mm scopes around these days.